Paula Laita
Additional information
PhD in Basque Philology and Linguistics, BA in Translation and Interpreting and MA in Translation and Intercultural Communication.
She has worked on the revitalisation of indigenous languages in Canada in the field of research and participatory project management. She is currently working on initiatives for the development and application of methodologies for working on orality in formal education.
Highlighted publications
-Laita, P., Uranga, B & Basurto, A. (2023). “1950-1970eko etorkinen integrazio soziolinguistikoa Altzan”, BAT Soziolinguistika Aldizkaria 128 (3), 115-140.
-"Yune´`sit’in komunitatearen esperientzia Nenqayni ch’ih biziberritzen: Nexwejeni naghulchud yenid´` zen (gure hizkuntza berreskuratzen ari gara)", BAT Soziolinguistika Aldizkaria 129 (4), 73-96.