inf_17+1 GIH bidea egiten

SDG 17+1 making the path

17+1 GOALS TO CHANGE THE WORLD (exposition of the 2030 Agenda)

This exposition was created with the collaboration of EASO Politeknikoa and the image of the 18th SDG was created by the students of the mentioned centre.

Specific objectives and data of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the 18th SDG can be found in Basque in this Wordpress.

Where has the "17+1 GOALS TO CHANGE THE WORLD" exposition been?

Euskararen Etxea

- Elorrio


- Berriz

You can watch the video about the exposition here:

SDG 17+1 taken into account

  • EASO Politeknikoa (Donostia)
    • EASO Politeknikoa's SDG report of 2019-2020 (attached below in Basque)
    • In this video of EASO Politeknikoa's YouTube channel
    • In this news of Argia
    • In this meeting of Hizkelan. The meeting is available on YouTube.
  • In the UPV/EHU's 2030 Agenda
  • TAU Fundazioa (document attached in Spanish)

17+1 logos

The use of the 17+1 logo is open and free to the public. Nevertheless, we would veyr much appreciate it if we could be noticed of its use by letting us know in the address, this way, your entity or educational centre will be added to this initiative.

Minority languages and sustainable development

International summer course

Title: “Hizkuntza gutxiagotuen biziberritzea eta garapen iraunkorra” (Revitalization of minority languages and sustainable development)

Organizers: The UNESCO Chair on World Language Heritage and UPV/EHUko Udako Ikastaroak

Date: September 16-17, 2020

Place: Miramar Palace, Donostia-San Sebastian and online 

More information here


International seminar with experts from Wales


Organizers: Prifysgol Aberystwyth University and the UNESCO Chair on World Language Heritage

Date: January 13th, 2021

Place: online through Zoom

More information here

Meeting with EHUS





More information here


The Chair's publications

Other publications

Additional information