Official presentation of the animations created by the UNESCO Chair in World Language Heritage and the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals jointly on International Mother Language Day.
Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko Formazio Programa
First publication date: 10/10/2024
Once again this year, Garabide has organised the Language Revitalisation Training Programme. 18 activists from all over the world will stay in the Basque Country to take part in courses for the revitalisation of minority languages. The activists have come from South America, Central America, Asia and Africa to receive theoretical and didactic training.
They arrived on 20 September and will stay for 6 weeks, sharing experiences with associations and institutions working to promote the Basque language. They will visit euskaltegis (basque language teaching centre), media, institutions, etc.
The members of the Chair Ane Ortega, Andoni Barreña and Itziar Idiazabal will participate as teachers. More information on the website of Garabide.