International Decade of Indigenous Languages
IDIL 2022-2032 general information

On the 18th December 2019, the United Nations proclaimed an International Decade of Indigenous Languages to be held from 2022 to 2032, after a recommendation frmo the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and as a result of the IYIL2019 - International Year of Indigenous Languages held on 2019.
This Decade will provide a common framework to draw attention to the critical loss of indigenous languages and the urgent need to preserve, revitalize and promote Indigenous languages and take urgent steps at the national and international levels.
Objectives of the decade

The celebration of this Decade seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- Protection and promotion of indigenous languages
- Improving the quality of life of speakers of indigenous languages
- Contributing to the objectives established in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Contributing to the goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Strengthening and reinforcing the numerous normative instruments adopted by the international community that include specific provisions to promote and protect languages
Forty percent of the estimated 6,700 languages spoken in the world are in danger of disappearing. The fact that most of them are indigenous languages endangers the cultures and knowledge systems to which they belong.
Indigenous communities are often isolated both politically and socially in the countries in which they live, because of the geographic location of their communities, and their separate histories, cultures, languages and traditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the marginalization of indigenous people worldwide, which has had a negative impact on global linguistic diversity. However, indigenous people are not only leaders in environmental protection, but their languages represent complex knowledge and communication systems and should be recognized as a strategic national resource for sustainable development, peace building and reconciliation.
They foster and promote unique local cultures, customs and values that have endured for thousands of years, and indigenous languages add to the rich tapestry of global cultural diversity. Without them, the world would undoubtedly be a poorer place.
To help achieve its objectives, a Strategic Plan was published. This report, the Global Action Plan of the IDIL2022-2032, outlines the main actions for the decade and guides the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all the activities to be carried out. For more information visit
The International Decade of Indigenous Languages was launched on December 13th 2022
2022ko abenduaren 13an aurkeztu zen Hizkuntza Indigenen 2022-2032 Nazioarteko Hamarkada, UNESCOren Parisko egoitzan antolatutako ekitaldian. Bertara hurbildu ziren 700 lagunez gain, mundu osoko 2300 lagun inguruk jarraitu zuten ekitaldia online.
Ekitaldian parte-hartzaileek plataforma bat izan zuten bizipenak, praktika onak eta mundu mailako hizkuntza-eskubideei eta herri indigenen auziei buruzko konpromisoak elkarbanatzeko. Era berean, lur emankorra izan zen hamarkadan interesa duten alderdi guztien artean epe luzeko harremanak eta konfiantza sortu ahal izateko, tartean Herri Indigenen Erakundeek, NBEko entitate ezberdinek eta arlo pribatuko zenbait sektorek.
Ekitaldia osorik ikus daiteke webgune honetan.
Izen-emateak. Zuen taldeak edo zuk zeuk ere hamarkada sustatzeko entitate parte hartzaile moduan edo norbanako moduan izena emateko jo webgune honetara:
Informazioa. Hamarkadari buruzko informazio eguneratu guztia ekimenaren webgunean:
Kontaktua: UNESCO’s International Decade of Indigenous Languages Secretariat -

Material created by Garabide and the Chair for the decade
Hizkuntza Indigenen Hamarkadaren harira, Garabide eta Munduko Hizkuntza Ondarearen UNESCO Katedrak eduki berria sortu dute.
Alde batetik, Hizkuntza Indigenak Ama Lurra Zaintzen izeneko liburuxka, non munduko komunitate ezberdinetako ipuinak biltzen diren, bai hizkuntza indigenan bai euskaraz.
Bestalde, 2022-2023 egutegi indigena ere sortu genuen.