Ama Hizkuntzaren Eguna 2022

Ama Hizkuntzaren Nazioarteko Eguna 2022

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated on 21 February, the Unesco Chair in World Linguistic Heritage of the University of the Basque Country has organised the exhibition 'Hizkuntza indigenak ama lurra zaintzen' (Indigenous languages taking care of mother earth) in the pavilion of the Alava Campus of the UPV/EHU.

The exhibition reflects on the relationship between biodiversity and linguistic diversity. Through panels, it brings us closer to the reality of the minority and indigenous languages that exist in the world through stories and images written in these languages. Most of these languages are in danger of extinction, with countless obstacles to survival, but which are striving to revitalise themselves thanks to the work and determination of the speakers.

In addition to the images and stories, each panel provides information on the situation of each of the languages on display and, via a QR code, it is possible to listen to the stories in their original language.

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, together with the Basque language, the aim is to raise awareness of the indigenous peoples who have been silenced so that their feelings and sensitivities can be made known.

The exhibition will be open from 21 to 24 February, but guided tours will be offered on 21 February. Registration: As for the opening hours, the exhibition will open on 21 February at 10:00 a.m., and on the following days it can be visited between 8:30 and 20:30.

Have a look to the video created for the 2022 International Day of Mother Language.