Bibliografia: hizkuntzak eta garapen jasangarria

Bibliografia: hizkuntzak eta garapen jasangarria

Brundtland, G.H. (1987). Our Common Future: Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development.

Fettes, M. (2023). Language and the Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges to Language Policy and Planning. In McEntee-Atalianis, L.J. & Humphrey, T. (Ed.), Language and Sustainable Development. Springer. pp. 11-24.

Garcia-Azkoaga, I., Idiazabal, I. (2021).  Garapen Iraunkorrerako Helburuei so hizkuntzen betaurrekoekin. Ekaia, 2021, 277-296.

Goirigolzarri, J., Manterola, I. & Garcia-Azkoaga, I. (2025). Euskera como “lengua viva”: una contribución al debate mundial sobre los vínculos entre la sostenibilidad y la diversidad lingüística. In Roman Etxebarrieta, G. (Ed)., Ideologías, estrategias y retos en la búsqueda del encuentro comunicativo. Tirant Lo Blanc. pp. 47-63.

Gorenflo, L.J., Romaine, S., Mittermeier, R.A. & Walker-Painemilla, K. (2012). Co-occurrence of linguistic and biological diversity in biodiversity hotspots and high biodiversity wilderness areas. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109 (21): 8032-8037.

Idiazabal, I. & Pérez-Caurel, M. (2019). Linguistic diversity, minority languages and sustainable development. Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

Marinotti, J.P. (2016). Language in UN. Final Report - Symposium on Language and the Sustainable Development Goals. City University, New York, 21.22 April 2016.

Marinotti, J.P (2017). Language, the Sustainable Development Goals, and Vulnerable Populations.  

McEntee-Atalianis, L.J. & Humphrey, T. (Ed.). Language and Sustainable Development. Springer.

Romaine, S. (2019). Linguistic diversity, sustainability and multilingualism: global language justice inside the doughnut hole. In I. Idiazabal & M. Pérez Caurel (ed.), Linguistic Diversity, Minority Languages and Sustainahle Development. UPV/EHU. pp. 40-62.

UNESCO (2012). Why Language Matters for the Millennium Development Goals. UNESCO, Bangkok. [ pf0000215296]

Uranga, B. (2013). Garapenerako lankidetza-proiektuetan hizkuntza-irizpidea txertatzeko proposamena. UNESCO Etxea, Bilbo.

Wolff, H.E. 2019. «Plurality and diversity of kanguages in Africa: asset for sustainable development?». In Idiazabal eta M. Pérez-Caurel (koord.). Linguistic diversity, minority languages and sustainable development. UPV/ EHUko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, Bilbo. 74-98.