

Seminar: Publication strategies for doctoral students in Psychology <br /> Seminario: Estrategias de publicación para doctorandos y doctorandas de Psicología

Programa de doctorado:



En este seminario de 4 horas, impartido mayormente en inglés y parte en castellano por las Dras. en Psicología Michelle Symonds y Marta Gil, se presentarán indicaciones y consejos prácticos a las y los doctorandos para escribir artículos científicos y publicarlos en revistas internacionales del ámbito de las Ciencias del Comportamiento.


Part 1 (1h): Power writing
In this unit we will look at some basic rules for constructing written work that is clear, engaging, and easy to read.  Working from sentence to paragraph level, we will explore some techniques for cutting the clutter from writing, ridding our work of clumsy, unwanted phrases, and clichés.

Part 2 (1h):  The "cosmetics" of a manuscript: Plugging the information gap
Whilst undoubtedly your results represent the essence of your work, the way you wrap them is equally (if not more) important when it comes to convincing editors and reviewers of the importance of your findings. One important strategy is to highlight how your work "plugs the information gap" – that is, to show that your work makes a contribution (however small) to the existing literature. In order to persuade your readers that your work has merit, we will look at the following strategies:

  • Introduction.  How to put your work into context; state what has been done, what is missing, and how your work intends to fill that void.
  • Discussion.  How to invert the introduction and put forth the relevance of your work first; compare the findings with what has already been done; suggest how your findings can stimulate future research, and where possible, how can this have relevance to the real-world.  We will look at some surprising ways in which this can be achieved!
  • Write the perfect cover letter.  Before you even consider how well your manuscript can impact your readership, you must first persuade the editor to consider your submission.  We will look at ways in which you can make the editor believe that your paper must be considered by the journal.

Part 3 (1h): Beyond submission: interacting with the editor
This is the stage of the process that can bring the most anxiety and frustration.  We will look at how to deal with the two most common response scenarios – rejection, and resubmission with revision.

Part 4 (1h):  Q and A session, and tips from an ex PhD student.
Finally, this part of the seminar will create space for discussion.  Students can ask questions to the tutor, and in addition, Dr Marta will give some advice based on her own personal experiences of being a graduate student in psychology. In particular, she will present some tips on topics such as journal selection, impact ratings, and finding opportunities to increase the number of publications by collaborating with overseas researchers.


Lugar Fecha Horario
Facultad de Psicología. Campus de Gipuzkoa  20 de noviembre de 2015 -


4 h



Inscripción, más información y contacto:

Gabriela Chotro: