Katedra sarrera

The UNESCO Chair of World Language Heritage


The UNESCO Chair of World Language Heritage of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a Unesco Chair specializing in minority languages and integrated into the UNITWIN network. The chair focuses on cultural and linguistic wealth, focusing especially on vulnerable and endangered languages. In order to contribute to the protection of the linguistic heritage of mankind, promote quality multilingual education and promote initiatives that value linguistic and cultural diversity, the Chair carries out the following actions:


  • Analysis, description and dissemination of local and foreign linguistic heritage.
  • To disseminate knowledge and promote training and research on minority and vulnerable languages in danger of extinction.
  • Research into the characteristics and values of multilingual education, focusing in particular on the minority language, while at the same time making known the foundations for ensuring inclusive and fair training.
  • To promote and strengthen cooperation between international bodies working on linguistic heritage and to develop joint initiatives with these networks.
  • To promote research and training initiatives aimed at making the language and cultural heritage of the Basque Country aware of its diversity and strengthening its best management.


News and Events

International Mother Tongue Day 2024

First publication date: 21/02/2024


February 21 is International Mother Tongue Day. For this reason, the Unesco Chair of World Linguistic Heritage has prepared a special programme to commemorate the day of 2024 and, in particular, a presentation of the animations created between the Catalan Corporation of Mitjans Audiovisuals and the Unesco Chair of World Linguistic Heritage.

Animations are already available! All the information here.

The presentation will take place on February 21 from 12:30 to 13:30 at the Álava Campus Pavilion.

  • 12:30-12:40. Language and culture diversity. Amaia Izkue (Unesco Chair on World Language Heritage)
  • 12:40-12:50. Eguzkilorea (projection).
  • 12:50-13:00. Cooperation between TV3 and the Unesco Chair on World Language Heritage of the UPV/EHU. Ines García-Azkoaga (Unesco Chair on World Language Heritage) and Manuel Barrios Lucena (director of the programme Una mà de Contes).
  • 13:00-13:10. El nen salmó (projection).
  • 13:10-13:20. Dubbing into minority languages with young speakers. Amaia Izkue (Munduko Hizkuntza Ondarearen Unesco Katedra)
  • 13:20-13:30 Eguzkilorea in other minority languages (projection).



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