
AI in Education: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Applied Bioinformatics with BioPython for Genomic Medicine

Olabe, J.C. , Basogain, X, Olabe, M.A.
Editorial Octaedro
*Q1 (nº 1) en SPI-CSIC Educación (Q1). Con ello, Octaedro ocupa la 1ª posición en el ránking SPI (Scholarly Publishers Indicators) del Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España sobre el prestigio de las editoriales según expertos españoles (sector Educación). Indicador de Calidad de Editoriales segun los expertos (ICEE): 141
Ciudad de edición y/o Editorial:
Educación y Sociedad: claves interdisciplinares
Página de inicio - Página de fin:
1077 - 1090

This chapter examines an innovative approach to teaching applied bioinformatics for genomic medicine using BioPython, targeted at high school or early college students. Recognizing the growing need for bioinformatics skills in the era of genomic medicine, we designed this course to provide a comprehensive introduction to programming for biological data analysis. The distinctive aspect of this educational initiative is the integration of the GPT-4, an advanced AI language model, into the course development and teaching process. The model assists in lesson planning, generating context-relevant examples, providing feedback on students' code, and facilitating collaborative problem-solving. It also aids in debugging, algorithm understanding, and project management, fostering a more individualized and efficient learning environment. The chapter further explores the potential impact of this course on preparing a future workforce for personalized medicine and the broader implications of AI integration into education and research in bioinformatics. It concludes with a discussion on prospects of AI in education, offering valuable insights into the potential of this technology in revolutionizing the learning process.

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