MR Author ID: 322477 |
ZMath Author ID: gutierrez-garcia.javier | |
ResearcherID: C-4791-2008 |
Google Scholar |
These are my publications by inverse chronological order.
Semigroups in Complete Lattices: Quantales, Modules and Related Topics, (with Patrik Eklund, Ulrich Höhle and Jari Kortelainen) Book Series: Developments in Mathematics, vol. 54. ISBN 978-3-319-78947-7. Springer International Publishing, 2018. AMS Subject Classification: 06-02 (06F07 18C20 18D15 20M18 46L05 47-02) Mathematical Review Number: MR3793185. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[82] | Unitally nondistributive quantales, (with Ulrich Höhle) To appear in Portugaliae Mathematica Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[81] | Right algebras in Sup and the topological representation
of semi-unital and semi-integral quantales, revisited, (with Ulrich Höhle) Mathematica Slovaca 74 (2024), no. 2, 261-280 AMS Subject Classification: 06F07 (18F75 54B30) Mathematical Review Number: MR4749961. Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[80] | Enriched lower separation axioms and the principle of enriched continuous extension, (with Igor Arrieta and Ulrich Höhle) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 468 (2023), 108633, 29 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR4609057. Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[79] | On the categorical behaviour of locales and D-localic maps, (with Igor Arrieta) Quaestiones Mathematicae 46 (2023), no. 6, 1175-1193. AMS Subject Classification: 18F70 (06D22) Mathematical Review Number: MR4599995. Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[78] | Frame presentations of compact hedgehogs and their properties, (with Igor Arrieta and Jorge Picado) Quaestiones Mathematicae 46 (2023), no. 2, 207-242. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (06D22 18F70) Mathematical Review Number: MR4574408. Partially supported by IT974-16 |
[77] | A theory of quantale-enriched dcpos and their topologization, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 444 (2022), 103-130. Mathematical Review Number: MR4438145. Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[76] | Some partial results on the cancellation law for the tensor product, (with Shengwei Han, Jing Liu and Bin Zhao) Algebra Universalis 83 (2022), Paper No. 15, 15 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 06B23 (08B25) Mathematical Review Number: MR4400116. Partially supported by IT1483-22 |
[75] | Basic concepts of quantale-enriched topologies, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Applied Categorical Structures 29 (2021), no. 6, 983–1003. AMS Subject Classification: 18F75 (46L85) Mathematical Review Number: MR4324371. Partially supported by IT974-16 |
[74] | Invariance of projective modules in Sup under self-duality, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Algebra Universalis 82 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 9, 20 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 06F07 (03G10 18D20) Mathematical Review Number: MR4197358. Partially supported by IT974-16 |
[73] | Perfect locales and localic real functions, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Algebra Universalis 81 (2020), Paper No. 32, 18 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR4099588. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[72] | On hereditary properties of extremally disconnected frames and normal frames, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Topology and its Applications 273 (2020), 106978, 15 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR4074762. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[71] | Enriched topologies and topological representation of semi-unital quantales, (with Ulrich Höhle) Topology and its Applications 273 (2020), 106967, 19 pp. AMS Subject Classification: 18D20 (06F07 54B30) Mathematical Review Number: MR4074751. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[70] | Some characterizations of the tensor product of complete lattices with applications to quantales, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Semigroup Forum 99 (2019), 303-316. Correction:, 100 (2020), 638-639. AMS Subject Classification: 06B23 (06F07) Mathematical Review Number: MR4026384. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[69] | An extension of the fuzzy unit interval to a tensor product with completely distributive first factor, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 370 (2019), 63-78. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR3960168. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[68] | Hedgehog frames and a cardinal extension of normality, (with Imanol Mozo Carollo Jorge Picado and Joanne Walters-Wayland) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (2019), 2345-2370. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54A25 54C10 54D15 54E35) Mathematical Review Number: MR3906552. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[67] | Fuzzy Galois connections on fuzzy sets, (with Hongliang Lai and Lili Shen) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 352 (2018), 26-55. AMS Subject Classification: 06D50 (03E72 06F07) Mathematical Review Number: MR3853475. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[66] | On fuzzy uniformities induced by a fuzzy metric space, (with Jesús Rodríguez-López and Salvador Romaguera) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 330 (2018), 52-78. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR3720869. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[65] | Perfectness in locales, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Quaestiones Mathematicae 40 (2017), no. 4, 507-518. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR3665847. Partially supported by MTM2012-37894-C02-02, MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[64] | Tensor products of complete lattices and their application in constructing quantales, (with Ulrich Höhle and Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 313 (2017), 43-60. AMS Subject Classification: 06B23 (03E72 06F07 08B25 18D10) Mathematical Review Number: MR3610138. Partially supported by MTM2012-37894-C02-02, MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[63] | A unified view of the Dedekind completion of point-free function rings, (with Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado) Quaestiones Mathematicae 39 (2016), no. 7, 991-1003. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (06A15 06B23 26A15 54C30 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR3573393. Partially supported by GIU12/39 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[62] | The Wijsman topology of a fuzzy metric space, (with Jesús Rodríguez-López, Salvador Romaguera and Manuel Sanchis) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 300 (2016), 57-71. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR3523450. Partially supported by MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[61] | Normal semicontinuity and the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings, (with Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado) Algebra Universalis 75 (2016), no. 3, 301-330. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (06F25 13J25 26A15 54C30 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR3515402. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[60] | Presenting the frame of the unit circle, (with Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016), no. 3, 976-1001. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (18D35 22A99) Mathematical Review Number: MR3414404. Partially supported by GIU12/39 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[59] | Forty years of Hutton fuzzy unit interval, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 281 (2015), 128-133. AMS Subject Classification: 54-03 (01A60 01A61 54A40) Mathematical Review Number: MR3413463. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[58] | Continuous representability of interval orders: The topological compatibility setting, (with Gianni Bosi, Asier Estevan and Esteban Induráin) International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (2015), no. 3, 345-365. AMS Subject Classification: 91B06 (06A05 54F05) Mathematical Review Number: MR3378123. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[57] | On the Dedekind completion of function rings, (with Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado) Forum Mathematicum 27 (2015), no. 3, 2551-2585. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (06B23 26A15 54C30) Mathematical Review Number: MR3393371. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[56] | Notes on point-free real functions and sublocales, (with Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr) Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology, Textos de Matemática, DMUC, Vol. 46, 2014, pp. 167-200. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (26A15 54C30) Mathematical Review Number: MR3330905. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[55] | Inserting measurable functions precisely, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 64 (2014), 743-749. AMS Subject Classification: 28A05 (28A20) Mathematical Review Number: MR3298556. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[54] | Monotone normality and stratifiability from a pointfree point of view, (with Jorge Picado and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 46-65. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (06D22) Mathematical Review Number: MR3196838. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[53] | A preservation result for completely regular locales, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 40-45. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54C10 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR3196837. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[52] | On the parallel between normality and extremal disconnectedness, (with Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 218 (2014), no. 5, 784-803. AMS Subject Classification: 54G05 (06D22 06D30) Mathematical Review Number: MR3149635. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[51] | Insertion and extension theorems for completely distributive lattice valued functions, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Commentationes Mathematicae 53 (2013), 315-321. AMS Subject Classification: 06D10 Mathematical Review Number: MR3155064. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[50] | Further results on the continuous representability of semiorders, (with Asier Estevan and Esteban Induráin) International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (2013), no. 5, 675-694. AMS Subject Classification: 06A06 (54C08) Mathematical Review Number: MR3119410. Partially supported by UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 | |
[49] | Insertion and extension results for pointfree complete regularity, (with Jorge Picado) Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 20 (2013), no. 4, 675-687. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54C30 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR3129067. Partially supported by UFI11/52 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[48] | An identification theorem for the completion of the Hausdorff fuzzy metric, (with Salvador Romaguera and Manuel Sanchis) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 227 (2013), 96-106. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR3082341. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[47] | Numerical representation of semiorders, (with Asier Estevan and Esteban Induráin) Order 30 (2013), 455-462. AMS Subject Classification: 06A06 (06B30 54F05 91B08) Mathematical Review Number: MR3063198. Partially supported by GIU07/27, UFI11/52 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[46] | Semiorders with separability properties, (with Juan Carlos Candeal, Asier Estevan and Esteban Induráin) Journal of Mathematical Psychology 56 (2012), no. 6, 441-451. AMS Subject Classification: 06A06 (91B08) Mathematical Review Number: MR304145. Partially supported by UFI11/52 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[45] | Preserving
continuity by Zadeh extension and invariance of
separation axioms under surjections, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 204 (2012), 66-70. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72) Mathematical Review Number: MR2950796. Partially supported by GIU07/27, UFI11/52 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[44] | Extended real
functions in Pointfree Topology, (with Bernhard Banaschewski and Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 216 (2012), no. 4, 905-922. AMS Subject Classification: 54C30 (06F25) Mathematical Review Number: MR2864864. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[43] | Topological calculus for separating points from closed sets by maps, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 62 (2012), no. 1,257-264. AMS Subject Classification: 54C25 (54A25) Mathematical Review Number: MR2899749. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[42] | Standard Fuzzy
Uniform Structures Based on Continuous t-Norms, (with Salvador Romaguera and Manuel Sanchis) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 195 (2012), 75-89. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72) Mathematical Review Number: MR2898989. Partially supported by MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[41] | Separating families
of locale maps and localic embeddings, (with Luis Español and Tomasz Kubiak) Algebra Universalis 67 (2012), 105-112. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (03G30 05D05 54C25) Mathematical Review Number: MR2898718. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[40] | Rings of real
functions in Pointfree Topology, (with Jorge Picado) Topology and its Applications 158 (2011), 2264-2278. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (06F25 13J25 54C30) Mathematical Review Number: MR2838376 (2012i:06020). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[39] | Quasi-metrics and
monotone normality, (with Salvador Romaguera and José Manuel Sánchez-Álvarez) Topology and its Applications 158 (2011), 2049-2055. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (54E35) Mathematical Review Number: MR2825359 (2012j:54042). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[38] | On the
uniformization of lattice-valued frames, (with Iraide Mardones-Pérez, Jorge Picado and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 166 (2011), 90-100. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72 06D22) Mathematical Review Number: MR2763381. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[37] | General insertion
and extension theorems for localic real functions, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 215 (2011), no. 6, 1198-1204. AMS Subject Classification: 54C30 (06D22 54C45) Mathematical Review Number: MR2769226 (2012a:54013). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[36] | Insertion of
continuous real functions on spaces, bispaces, ordered
spaces and point-free spaces - a common root, (with Maria Joao Ferreira and Jorge Picado) Applied Categorical Structures 19 (2011), no. 2, 469-488. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (06F99 26A15 54C30 54D15 54E55 54F05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2776631 (2012g:06012). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[35] | Examples of non
strong fuzzy metrics, (with Salvador Romaguera) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 162 (2011), 91-93. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR2734890. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[34] | Insertion and
extension theorems for lattice-valued functions on
preordered topological spaces, (with Iraide Mardones-Pérez and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Topology and its Applications 158 (2011), 60-68. AMS Subject Classification: 54C99 (06D10 54D15 54G05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2734697 (2011k:54028). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[33] | Ideal-valued
topological structures, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Alexander Shostak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 2380-2388. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR2670574 (2011h:54011). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[32] | Editorial: A
tribute to Ulrich Höhle on the occasion of his 65th
birthday, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 2349-2350. AMS Subject Classification: 01A70 Mathematical Review Number: MR2670571. |
[31] | On lattice-valued
frames: the completely distributive case, (with Ulrich Höhle and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 1022-1030. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR2592440 (2011e:54007). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[30] | Fuzzy uniform
structures and continuous t-norms, (with Salvador Romaguera and Manuel Sanchis) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161 (2010), 1011-1021. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (54B30 54E15 54E35) Mathematical Review Number: MR2592439 (2011e:54006). Partially supported by MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[29] | Fuzzy Galois
connections categorically, (with Iraide Mardones Pérez, María Angeles de Prada Vicente and Dexue Zhang) Mathematical Logic Quarterly 2 (2010), 131-147. AMS Subject Classification: 03B52 (06A15 06F07 18D20) Mathematical Review Number: MR2650230. Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[28] | Completely normal
frames and real-valued functions, (with Maria Joao Ferreira and Jorge Picado) Topology and its Applications 156 (2009), 2932-2941. AMS Subject Classification: 54C30 (54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR2556049 (2011c:54013). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[27] | Unified
representability of total preorders and interval orders
through a single function: The lattice approach, (with Gianni Bosi and Esteban Induráin) Order 26 (2009), no. 3, 255-275. AMS Subject Classification: 06A06 (54F05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2544614 (2010i:06001). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[26] | Controlling
disjointness with a hedgehog, (with Tomasz Kubiak and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Houston Journal of Mathematics 35 (2009), no. 2, 469-484. AMS Subject Classification: 54C55 (06B35 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR2519542 (2010d:54027). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[25] | Universal codomains
to represent interval-orders, (with Juan Carlos Candeal and Esteban Indurain) International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 17 (2009), no. 2, 197-219. AMS Subject Classification: 91B08 (03E72) Mathematical Review Number: MR2512738 (2010g:91039). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[24] | Localic real functions: a general setting, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), no. 6, 1064-1074. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (26A15 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR2498797 (2010a:06020). Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[23] | Lower and upper
regularizations of frame semicontinuous real functions, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Algebra universalis 60 (2009), no. 2, 169-184. AMS Subject Classification: 54C30 (06D22 54G05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2491421 (2010e:54015). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[22] | Monotone normality
free of T1 axiom, (with Iraide Mardones Pérez and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Acta Mathematica Hungarica 122 (2009), no. 1-2, 71-80. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (06D10 54C20) Mathematical Review Number: MR2487461 (2009m:54036). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[21] | Pointfree forms of Dowker and Michael insertion theorems, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 213 (2009), no. 1, 98-108. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (54C30 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR2462988 (2010a:06019). Partially supported by MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[20] | Uniform-type
structures on lattice-valued spaces and frames, (with Iraide Mardones Pérez, Jorge Picado and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159 (2008), no. 19, 2469-2487. AMS Subject Classification: 54E15 (06D22 06F07 54A40) Mathematical Review Number: MR2450321 (2010c:54036). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[19] | A new look at some
classical theorems on continuous functions on normal
spaces, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Acta Mathematica Hungarica 119 (2008), no. 4, 333-339. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (54C10 54C20 54C30) Mathematical Review Number: MR2429294 (2009e:54057). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[18] | Monotone insertion
and monotone extension of frame homomorphisms, (with Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 212 (2008), no. 5, 955-968. AMS Subject Classification: 06D22 (18B30 54C30 54D15) Mathematical Review Number: MR2387579 (2009i:06007). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[17] | Generating and
inserting continuous functions with values in bounded
complete domains and hedgehog-like structures, (with Tomasz Kubiak and María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Houston Journal of Mathematics 34 (2008), no. 1, 123-144. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (06B35 54G05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2383700 (2009b:54018). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[16] | Sandwich-type
characterization of completely regular spaces, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Applied General Topology 8 (2007), no. 2, 239-242. AMS Subject Classification: 54D15 (54C30 54D30) Mathematical Review Number: MR2398514 (2009c:54006). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[15] | Order-reversing
involutions and lattices with residuation, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 38 (2007), no. 4, 271-280. AMS Subject Classification: 06D20 (06D10) Mathematical Review Number: MR2349291 (2008g:06010). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[14] | Completeness on
Hutton [0,1]-quasi-uniform spaces, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente and Salvador Romaguera), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158 (2007), no. 16, 1791-1802. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72) Mathematical Review Number: MR2339581. Partially supported by MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[13] | On the algebraic
representation of semicontinuity, (with Jorge Picado) Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 210 (2007), no. 2, 299-306 AMS Subject Classification: 54C08 (06D22 54C30 54E55) Mathematical Review Number: MR2319999 (2008b:54025). Partially supported by UPV05/101 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[12] | Further results on
L-valued filters, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 31 (2007), no. 1, 162-172. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR2263274 (2007f:54010). Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[11] | Insertion of
lattice-valued and hedgehog-valued functions, (with Tomasz Kubiak and María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Topology and its Applications 153 (2006), no. 9, 1458-1475. AMS Subject Classification: 54C99 (06D10 54D15 54G05) Mathematical Review Number: MR2211211 (2006m:54037). Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[10] | On stratified
L-valued filters induced by T-filters, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (2006), no. 6, 813-819. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03G25 06F07) Mathematical Review Number: MR2223561 (2006m:54011). Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[9] | Hutton
[0,1]-quasi-uniformities induced by fuzzy (quasi-)metric
spaces, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 157 (2006), no. 6, 755-766. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (54E70) Mathematical Review Number: MR2223556 (2006m:54010). Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[8] | Order-theoretic,
topological, categorical redundancies of interval-valued
sets, grey sets, vague sets, interval-valued
``intuitionistic'' sets, ``intuitionistic'' fuzzy sets
and topologies, (with Stephen Rodabaugh), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 156 (2005), no. 3, 445-484. AMS Subject Classification: 03E72 (54A40) Mathematical Review Number: MR2180480 (2006h:03050). Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[7] | Characteristic
values of T-filters, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 156 (2005), no. 1, 55-67. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72 03G25 54A20) Mathematical Review Number: MR2181738. Partially supported by UPV 127.310-E-15429/2003 |
[6] | The relationship
between various filter notions on a GL-monoid, (with Mike Burton and Iraide Mardones), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 230 (1999), no. 2, 291-302. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (04A72 54E99) Mathematical Review Number: MR1672207 (99k:54002). |
[5] | Generalised
filters 2, (with Mike Burton and Murugiah Muraleetharan), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 106 (1999), no. 3, 393-400. Pdf file AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (03E72) Mathematical Review Number: MR1699733. |
[4] | Generalised
filters 1, (with Mike Burton and Murugiah Muraleetharan), Fuzzy Sets and Systems 106 (1999), no. 2, 275-284. Pdf file AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (18A22 54A20 54E15) Mathematical Review Number: MR1696860. |
[3] | Even fuzzy
topologies and related structures, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente and Alexander Shostak), Quaestiones Mathematicae 20 (1997), no. 3, 327-350. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 Mathematical Review Number: MR1641452 (99h:54007). |
[2] | Embeddings into the
category of super uniform spaces, (with Mike Burton and María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Quaestiones Mathematicae 20 (1997), no. 3, 311-326. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (54E15) Mathematical Review Number: MR1641451 (99h:54006). |
[1] | Super uniform spaces, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Quaestiones Mathematicae 20 (1997), no. 3, 291-309. AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (54E15) Mathematical Review Number: MR1641450. |
[19] | Bidaia geometrikoa kurbetatik itsas maskorretara, (with J. Echevarrieta Ibarra and J. Arroyo Olea) EKAIA 43 (2023), 221-247. |
[18] | Non-commutativity and many-valuedness: The topological representation of the spectrum of C*-algebras, (with P. Eklund, U. Höhle and J. Kortelainen) 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Naples, 2017, pp. 1-4. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[17] | Complete many-valued lattices, (with P. Eklund, U. Höhle and J. Kortelainen) 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Naples, 2017, pp. 1-5. Partially supported by MTM2015-63608-P and IT974-16 |
[16] | Zenbaki errealak eraikitzen, (with I. Mozo Carollo) EKAIA 29 (2016), 107-125. Partially supported by GIU12/39 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[15] | Variants of normality and their duals:
a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions, (with J. Picado) tACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic. ISSN 2040-557X, 2014, pgs. 171-175. Partially supported by GIU12/39, UFI11/52 and MTM2012-37894-C02-02 |
[14] | New trends on the numerical representability of semiordered structures, (with F.J. Abrísqueta, L. Agud, M.J. Campión, J.C. Candeal, R.G. Catalán, J.R. De Miguel, S. Díaz, A. Estevan, E. Induráin, D. Martinetti, S. Montes, M. Zudaire) Mathware & Soft Computing Magazine. Vol. 19 n. 1, 2012, pgs. 25-37. Pdf file Partially supported by MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[13] | On strict and double insertion theorems, (with Tomasz Kubiak) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'12, Castellón, 2012), Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, ISBN 978-84-8021-874-0, 2010, pgs. 87-92. Pdf file Partially supported by MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[12] | On monotone
normality and T1 axiom, (with Iraide Mardones Pérez and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'10, Gandia, 2010), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, ISBN 978-84-8363-565-0, 2010, pgs. 122-128. Pdf file Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[11] | An invitation to
localic real functions, (with Jorge Picado and Tomasz Kubiak) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'10, Gandia, 2010), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, ISBN 978-84-8363-565-0, 2010, pgs. 112-121. Pdf file Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[10] | How to deal with the ring of (continuous) real functions in terms of scales, (with Jorge Picado) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'10, Gandia, 2010), Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, ISBN 978-84-8363-565-0, 2010, pgs. 19-30. Pdf file Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2009-12872-C02-02 |
[9] | Unified
representability of total preorders, semiorders and
interval orders through scales and a single map, (with Esteban Induráin) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'09, Mallorca, 2009), Editorial Universitat de les Illes Balears, ISBN 978-84-692-3060-2, 2009, pgs. 93-102. Pdf file Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[8] | Topological
properties based on continuous extension of total
preorders, (with Esteban Induráin and Tomasz Kubiak) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'09, Mallorca, 2009), Editorial Universitat de les Illes Balears, ISBN 978-84-692-3060-2, 2009, pgs. 103-110. Pdf file GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[7] | Separation Theorems
for Lattice-valued Functions on Preordered Topological
Spaces, (with Iraide Mardones Pérez and María Angeles de Prada Vicente) Applied Topology: Recent progress for Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'09, Mallorca, 2009), Editorial Universitat de les Illes Balears, ISBN 978-84-692-3060-2, 2009, pgs. 111-117. Pdf file Partially supported by GIU07/27 and MTM2006-14925-C02-02 |
[6] | Generalized uniform
spaces, (with Mike Burton and María Angeles de Prada Vicente), J. Fuzzy Math. 4 (1996), no. 2, 363-380 AMS Subject Classification: 54E15 (04A72 54A40 54B30) Mathematical Review Number: MR1395981 (97b:54035). |
[5] | Introduction to
H-closed spaces. Principal contributions to weak forms
of compactness. Open problems, (with Filippo Cammaroto, Giorgio Nordo and María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Math. Notae 38 (1995/6), 47-77 AMS Subject Classification: 54D25 (54C10 54D10) Mathematical Review Number: MR1634602. |
[4] | On a fuzzy Smirnov
compactification, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), J. Fuzzy Math. 2 (1994), no. 4, 793-808 AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (04A72) Mathematical Review Number: MR1306629. |
[3] | On even fuzzy
topologies, (with Alexander Shostak), Latv. Univ. Zinat. Raksti 595 (1994), 109-122 AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (04A72) Mathematical Review Number: MR1380057. |
[2] | A note on fuzzy
compactness, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Latv. Univ. Zinat. Raksti 588 (1993), 58-70 AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (04A72) Mathematical Review Number: MR1375032. |
[1] | A note on fuzzy
compactness, (with María Angeles de Prada Vicente), Proceedings of the XVth Portuguese-Spanish Conference on Mathematics, Vol. III (1990), 47-52 AMS Subject Classification: 54A40 (04A72 54D30) Mathematical Review Number: MR1161789. |