PhDing by Design

PhDing by Design

Get the skills you need to complete a good PhD on time. This PhD training begins with a one-day workshop on Designing for Researchers. This is then followed by two practical courses: Designing and Building a Critical State of the Art for Research; and Designing and Preparing a Research Publication. Each course runs for eight weeks, with one three-hour class per week. All three — the workshop and both courses — will be offered at the three UPV/EHU Campuses, starting in January, 2018, and will be given in English.

(Click on the links for more information on the Workshop, each course, and the calendar)

Group size:

A minimum of 12 students is needed to run each Workshop and each eight-week course in each Campus, and there is a maximum of 20 students in each group.

For the Workshop, any number of supervisors will be welcome.


  • For the two practical courses, students will be expected to attend at least 90% of the classes.
  • Satisfactory completion of the Designing Research Workshop is a necessary pre-requisite for taking the Designing and building a critical state of the art course, as well as the Designing and preparing a research publication course.

Registration and matriculation fee:

Registration to the workshop and one course (or the other) can be done through the following link (closed).

Those supervisors who plan to come to the workshop, please send us a message ( specifying where they would attend.

If you are willing to attend both courses, and you would like to book your place already, please contact us at and we will provide further information and instructions.

In order to formalize registration on course XXXXX, you must make a bank transfer for the value of €30 to the following account:

IBAN: ES36 2095 0292 9091 1136 6120

You should clearly indicate your full name, ID numbers, and (Very Important), which Campus you wish to enroll in (Araba/Biscay/Gipuzkoa). The "concept" in  your bank transfer should thus have the following form:


Once you have made the registration payment, please send proof of payment to with "PhDing by Design" in the subject, and, in the message body, include your name and two surnames, your ID number, and postal address. An invoice will then be sent to you.


Both the registration AND the transfer for the registration should be made before Jan 15th.


a) if the course eventually does not run due to the lack of a minimum number of candidates (12), the initial payment will be reimbursed to each student.

b) if cancellation is individual (due to personal reasons of the candidate), the payment will NOT be reimbursed.