Doctorado en Medio Ambiente y Recursos Marinos
The seminars of the “Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology” consolidated research group are organized every 2-3 weeks since 2001. Seminars are generally given by members of the research group. Since 2012, seminars are also open to the members of the Unit of Formation and Research (UFI) “Protection of Ecosystem Health”. In addition, colleagues from other Departments, Universities and Research Centres are invited to give conferences in the seminars series.
The seminar series is also a part of the formation offered by the two PhD programmes of the research group: Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (CTA/ECT) and Marine Environment and Resources (MER). As such, one of the main objectives of the seminars is to give a foundation to PhD candidates on how to present and communicate their scientific work, especially in english (development of transversal skills).
For seminars given by research group members, all kind of research works at any stage of development can be presented, including: a new technique, communication to be presented or presented in a congress, work developed during a stay in another lab abroad, Master thesis or PhD project to be developed, reports of projects, results (progress reports), review of articles or other literature (Journal club). Seminars may be delivered in any language but researchers are encouraged to make their presentations in english if possible. Attendance to seminars is compulsory for research group members. They are also expected to participate actively in seminars by putting forward questions, proposals, suggestions etc and by criticizing as much as possible. An abstract, pdf of the presentation or any other written material relevant for the seminar must be distributed to all group members before the seminar. Please contact Eider Bilbao or Miren P. Cajaraville if you wish to give a presentation in the Seminar series and indicate title and approximate date.
29 January 2021
Presentation by PhD candidate: Anthony Nzioka
“Use of microsatellite markers to study the diversity and genetic structure of thick lip grey mullet, Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1827) populations in the Basque Coast”
On line at 15:00 h.