
Disabled People´s Service
The Disabled Peoples' Service was set up to ensure the principle of equal opportunities by facilitating students' access to studies and services and their full participation in the university, in 2003. It`s answerable to the Offices of the Vice-Rector of Student and Employment.
It currently has service units on the campuses of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
The Governing Board approved the IIIrd inclusion Plan 2019-2022 (Spanish version) of The University of the Basque Country, in April 2019.
This plan sets out the four core strategies on which the Service's actions are based.
- Axis I
Guaranteeing information in the key of social and educational inclusion so that pre-university students consider university studies as a real option and make decisions appropriate to their circumstances - Axis II
Ensuring equal opportunities in access to university studies - Axis III
Fostering the development of university life from an inclusive perspective - Axis IV
Facilitating the transition to working life
UPV/EHUko III. Inklusio Plana (2019-2022) Gobernu Kontseiluan onartu zen, 2019ko apirilean. Bertan, zerbitzuaren jardunaren oinarri diren funtsezko lau ardatzak jasotzen dira:
Informazioa gizarte eta hezkuntza inklusioaren ikuspegitik ematen dela bermatzea, unibertsitate aurreko ikasleek unibertsitate ikasketak aukera erreal gisa ikus ditzaten eta beren egoerara egokitutako erabakiak har ditzaten
Aukera berdintasuna bermatzea, unibertsitate ikasketen sarreran
Unibertsitate bizitza inklusioaren ikuspegitik garatzen erraztea
Bizitza aktiborako igarobidea erraztea