
Adaptations for entrance examinations

What is the procedure for requesting adaptations in the entrance examination?

Entrance examinations from secondary education and vocational training:

The Service sends all Upper Secondary schools a letter with instructions on how to request adaptations. The school in question will have to appoint a person who will be responsible for processing the application via the UPV/EHU website during the period following pre-registration.

Entrance examinations for students aged over 25 and students aged over 45:

Information on requesting adaptations will be made available when the student registers for the examination via the website or at the offices of the Campus Vice-Rectorates or Access Bureaus.

Entrance examinations from secondary education and vocational training for students who do not have them studied the present academic year:

Information on requesting adaptations will be made available when the student registers for the examination via the website or at the offices of the Campus Vice-Rectorates or Access Bureaus.

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Adaptaciones pruebas de acceso