lista posters II

Poster session II (Chillida exhibition gallerie)

  • P31. J. Librero, B. Ibañez, N. Martínez, S. Peiro and E. Bernal-Delgado. "Trends and area variations in Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations for COPD in Spain (2002-2013): a Bayesian space-temporal analysis"
  • P32. J. Martín, A. Antón, A. Padierna3, I. Lafuente, I. Moro and J.M. Quintana. "Comparison of prognostic indicators of 3-month mortality after discharge in patients with and without dementia"
  • P33. W. Martínez, C. Melo and O. Melo. "Median Polish Kriging for Space-Time Analysis of Precipitation"
  • P34. L. Martinez-Indart, A. Urkaregi and J.I. Pijoan. "Adjusted estimation of treatment effects in observational studies using propensity score methods"
  • P35. M. Mateo-Abad, I. Arostegui and A. Urkaregi. "Prediction of road accidents with severe consequences in the Basque Country: model development and validation"
  • P36. M.M. Ojeda Ramírez and C. Cruz López. "Statistical education in university courses in Mexico"
  • P37. S. Oseguera, M. Hernández, P. Vicente-Galindo and P. Galindo. "Biplot analysis approach for Kano´s model"
  • P38. M. Paredes, H. Viloria and M. Mora. "Design and validation of an instrument for measuring the quality of education from a teacher perspective in Venezuela"
  • P39. M.C. Patino Alonso, M.P. Vicente Galindo, J.L. Vicente Villardón, M.C. Vega Hernández and S. Ramos Hernández. "Multivariate profile of immigrant women in Salamanca (Spain)"
  • P40. N. Porta, M.L. Calle, R. Lewis, M. Snape, C. Hendron, N. James, R. Huddard and E. Hall. "Models for dynamic prediction: an application to bladder cancer"
  • P41. J. Revuelta and C. Ximénez. "Bayesian estimation of a multilevel Item Response Theory model with random effects"
  • P42. M.J. Rivas-López and J. López-Fidalgo. "AFT models in survival analysis: D-optimal designs"
  • P43. M.C. Romero, M.I. Urrutia, J.C. Chiaravalli and M. Moreno Kiernan. "Fractal properties of filamentous bacteria in polluted sludges"
  • P44. J.M. Sánchez-Santos, F.J. Campos-Laborie and J. de las Rivas. "Statistical analysis of genome-wide expression data from patient cohorts and detection of sample types using correspondence analysis"
  • P45. B. Santos, A. Zabala, V. Guillén, A. Gracía-Orad and J. Ballesteros. "How multiple imputation can help multivariate meta-analysis when the within-study correlation matrices are unknown"
  • P46. M.T. Santos Martín, M.J. Rivas López and J.M. Rodríguez Díaz. "Designing accelerated failure time tests"
  • P47. B. Sarzo, C. Armero, D. Conesa, H. Perpiñán and J. Jiménez. "Population decline of Audouin's gull colony (Ichthyaetus audouinii): the case of Columbretes Islands"
  • P48. M.E. Sedano, V. Aguilera-Cogley, X. Barber and A. Vicent. "Time series analysis of citrus greasy spot disease incidence in Panama"
  • P49. C. Serrat, M. Rué, C. Armero, X. Piulachs, H. Perpiñán, A. Forte, A. Páez and G. Gómez. "A shared-parameter joint model for prostate cancer risk and PSA longitudinal measurements"
  • P50. S.J. Torralbas Fitz, M.J. Torralbas Blázquez and A.L. Torralbas Fitz. "Trastornos Mentales en familias consanguíneas de la provincia Holguín, Cuba"
  • P51. S.J. Torralbas Fitz, M.J. Torralbas Blázquez and A.L. Torralbas Fitz. "Factores de riesgo asociados a la enfermedad cerebrovascular en el Policlínico Julio Grave de Peralta, Holguín, Cuba"
  • P52. P.A. Torres, D. Zhang and J. Wang. "Quantile curves for repeated responses measured with error with application to usual nutrient intake"
  • P53. T.-S. Tsou. "An effective new approach to inference about predictive values of diagnostic tests"
  • P54. U. Udomsubpayakul, T. Anothaisintawee and A. Thakkinstian. "Preventive effect of statin on breast cancer risk in Thai women"
  • P55. O. Valero, A. Blasco and C. Contreras. "A longitudinal meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of chiropractic interventions for low-back pain"
  • P56. E. Varela, J.A. Piniés, F.G. González-Carril, J.M. Arteagoitia, J.M. Altzibar and I. Irigoien. "Longitudinal analysis of the evolution of glycated haemoglobin in newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetes population in the Basque Country"
  • P57. P. Vejakama, S. Ratanasiri, A. Ingsathit, J. Attia, M. McEvoy and A. Thakkinstian. "Treatment effectiveness of renin-angiotensin system blockade on kidney failure and mortality in chronic kidney disease patients"
  • P58. P. Vicente Galindo, A. Becerro Álvarez, M. Hernández Quintero, E. Vicente Galindo and M. Sánchez Barba. "A theoretical proposal to reduce specific questionnaries of health related quality of life. A new approach"
  • P59. M. Vilaró, J. Cortés, J.M. Ribera, F. Cardellach, A. Selva-O'Callagham, A. Urrutia and E. Cobo. "Improving Biomedical research impact"
  • P60. S. Vilchez, J. Di Rienzo, M.C. Romero and F. Casanoves. "Qeco: A tool for analysis of ecological communities"
  • P61. M. Vogler, J. Cortés, E. Cobo, J.A. González and C. Serrat. "Power and effect size in repeated measures modeling"