Scholarships for students
The Organization for the XVth Spanish Biometric Conference and the Vth Ibero-American Biometric Meeting (CEB-EIB 2015) offers scholarships to students who want to present their work at the Conference. The grant will cover the costs of registration and accommodation. The scholarships will be distributed between the regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS) participating in the Conference. In particular, are 17 scholarships distributed in the following way:
- Nine* grants in the Region Spanish / Sociedad Española de Biometría (SEB)
- Two scholarships in the Region Argentina
- Two scholarships in the Chilean Region
- Two scholarships in the Centroamerica-Caribe Region
- A scholarship at the Italian Region
- A scholarship in the Easter-Mediterranean Region (EMR))
*Six of these scholarships are sponsored by the SEB
The following conditions must be met to apply for scholarships:
- Be enrolled as a student's degree or postgraduate degree at a University.
- Not have more than 30 years the day that the meeting to be held..
- Not being in possession of the title of Doctor or have received at most a year before the start of the Conference.
- Be a member of the International Biometric Society (IBS) through the corresponding region.
To qualify for grants a summary of the work should be sent to present as oral communication. The abstract should be sent in format LONG SUMMARY, 4 pages in length, in ENGLISH and according to the instructions given in the template prepared for that purpose (MS Word or LaTeX). Once prepared the summary, this should be sent according to the normal procedure of abstract submission and indicating that you opt for the scholarship in the submission form. Those who qualify for the scholarship, shall attach all necessary documentation attesting that they comply with the established requirements, along with the submission form.
The selection will be based on the scientific quality of the work. The Scientific Committee will exercise selection committee in collaboration with regional societies. In case of tie, will take into account the seniority as a member of the IBS. Once the assessment is completed and the selection of the works, will be notified the resolution who obtained the scholarship. The scholarship students must put in contact with the Organization to manage the registration and accommodation (