Biometric Society
The International Biometric Society (IBS) is an international society promoting the development and application of statistical and mathematical theory and methods in the biosciences, including agriculture, biomedical science and public health, ecology, environmental sciences, forestry, and allied disciplines. The Society welcomes as members statisticians, mathematicians, biological scientists, and others devoted to interdisciplinary efforts in advancing the collection and interpretation of information in the biosciences.
The terms "Biometrics" and "Biometry" have been used since early in the 20th century to refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences. Statistical methods for the analysis of data from agricultural field experiments to compare the yields of different varieties of wheat, for the analysis of data from human clinical trials evaluating the relative effectiveness of competing therapies for disease, or for the analysis of data from environmental studies on the effects of air or water pollution on the appearance of human disease in a region or country are all examples of problems that would fall under the umbrella of "Biometrics" as the term has been historically used. The journal "Biometrics" is a scholarly publication sponsored by a non-profit professional society (the International Biometric Society) devoted to the dissemination of accounts of the development of such methods and their application in real scientific contexts.
The IBS is organized into 34 geographically-defined Regions, and The Spanish Society of Biometrics (SEB) is the Spanish region. So the SEB, besides being a scientific society with headquarters in Spain, is part of the IBS as a region, sharing the objectives and the management of international society. Currently, the SEB is divided into five scientific areas: Agriculture, Biology, Bioinformatics, Medicine and Psychology.
The Ibero-American area comprises three regions of Spanish speaking of the IBS, Argentina, Central American & Caribbean and Chile, with the objective of stimulating the development and application of biometrics in the Iberoamerican society, sharing the same way the objectives of the international society.