Instructions for oral and poster presentations
Oral Presentation
Each contributed oral presentation will be allocated 17 minutes for presentation, with an additional 3 minutes for questions. Session chairs will be instructed to warn you, if required, at least twice with the remaining time you have for your presentation, and, if necessary, to stop any presentations that runs over the time assigned for it. Please, make sure that you plan your presentation to fit within the assigned schedule you have for it in the scientific program.
In order to make the conference more attractive to foreigners, all of the material included in your presentation should be written in English. However, the oral presentation itself can be in either English or Spanish. Please prepare your presentations using either PowerPoint or PDF formats. We recommend that you save your PowerPoint presentation as a PowerPoint Show (.PPS) file rather than as a .PPT file, as this format is usually easier to handle for the different available platforms.
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash memory.
The file with the presentation must be delivered at the registration desk before 10.00 of the day assigned for your presentation. Please arrive at the designated lecture room for your session at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session. In this way, you would have time to check that your presentation is correctly uploaded. You should introduce yourself to the session Chair as soon as you arrive. In addition, you are expected to stay in that room for the whole session, not just for your presentation.
Poster Presentation Information and Guidelines
Each poster presenter is provided with a 90 cm wide by 150 cm height laminated poster board. Posters will be arranged in portrait format. The recommended size for the poster is A0 (84119). Please prepare your poster to fit this size.
The presentation must cover the same material included in the submitted abstract. In order to make the conference more attractive to foreigners, all of the material included in your poster presentation should be in English. Discussion taking place during the poster presentation can be in either English or Spanish. Posters should be clear and easy to read. Font size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read it from one and half to two meters away.
Posters will be assigned to a poster board number listed in our Conference Program Book. Find your assigned poster board to display your poster.
There will be a unique poster session, and the presenting author is expected to be present at the poster during the assigned time frame, so that s/he can discuss the details of the work when required. The posters must be displayed from September 23rd (morning) up to September 25th (afternoon).
Do not submit your poster presentation to the conference's e-mail.