Poster session I (Chillida exhibition gallerie)
- P1. E. Agirre, A. Anta and L.J.R. Barron. "Artificial neural networks: forecasting tools in air quality"
- P2. U. Aguirre Larracoechea, I. Arostegui and J.M. Quintana. "SimStatPerf: A statistical toolkit to assess the performance of simulation studies"
- P3. S. Alberich, C. Bermúdez, A. Ugarte, P. Vega, M. Martínez-Cengotitabengoa, J. Zugasti and A. González-Pinto. "Analysis of the cannabis use in a long-term follow-up with mixed effects models"
- P4. M.H. Alonso, R. Sanz-Pamplona and V. Moreno. "Comprehensive analysis of copy number aberrations in colorectal cancer"
- P5. A. Antón, S. García-Gutierrez, N. Soldevilla, A. Dominguez and I. Arostegui. "Deriving and validating subtypes of physicians regarding their attitude to influenza vaccination"
- P6. J. Arnau, R. Alarcón, R. Bendayan, R. Bono and M.J. Blanca. "Influence of variance heterogeneity and non-normality on the robustness of ANOVA"
- P7. C.A. Ávila Zarza, R. Muñoz Castañeda, D. Díaz López, M.J. Moutin, L. Peris, A. Andrieux and E. Weruaga Prieto. "Compositional Data Analysis: the effect of tubulin polyglutamylation on microtubules dynamics"
- P8. A. Benchimol, I. Albarrán, J.J. Marín and P.J. Alonso-González. "Hierarchical Lee-Carter model estimation through data cloning applied to demographically linked countries"
- P9. C. Bermúdez-Ampudia, S. Alberich, M. Fernández, I. González-Ortega, A. García-Alocén, S. García and A. González-Pinto. "Mixed-effects models: family burden and functionality in patients with bipolar disorder"
- P10. A. Bilbao, A. Escobar, L. García-Pérez, G. Navarro and R. Quiros. "Factor structure of the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire"
- P11. R. Blagus and L. Lusa. "ICV-EasyEnsemble and StochasticEasyEnsemble: efficient combination of bagging and boosting for accurate prediction of class-imbalanced high-dimensional data"
- P12. G.R.R. Bóbeda, L.I. Giménez, J.E. Gaiad, V.A. Rodríguez and S.M. Mazza. "Comparison of methods for estimating fruits per tree in 'Salustiana' sweet orange in Corrientes, Argentine"
- P13. G. R.R. Bóbeda, L. I. Giménez, J.E. Gaiad, M.D. Chabbal and S.M. Mazza. "Modeling the growth of 'Tangor Murcott' fruit"
- P14. A. Bodé, M. Graciela Estévez, M. Varela and J.A. Vilar. "Functional analysis of abundances of phytoplankton species in shelf waters of the Galician upwelling (NW Spain)"
- P15. R. Bono, J. Arnau, M.J. Blanca, R. Alarcón and R. Bendayan. "Simulating binary or ordinal longitudinal data: Algorithm implementation for SAS IML"
- P16. R. Bono, J. Gómez, I. Bayés, C. González and J. Arnau. "Non-normal distributions in data from the health and social sciences: A systematic review"
- P17. P. Botella-Rocamora, F. Zamora-Martínez, F.J.Muñoz-Almaraz and J. Pardo-Albiach. "Model combination in a problem of epileptic seizure prediction"
- P18. F. Casanoves, J.A. Di Rienzo, A. Purvis, S.M. Diaz and L. Enrico. "FDiversity 2015. Phylogenetic Diversity Indices"
- P19. V. Casero-Alonso and J. Lopez-Fidalgo. "MV-optimization in binary response models"
- P20. R. Clèries, M. Buxó, Y. Yasui, R. Marcos-Gragera, J.M. Martínez, A. Ameijide, J. Galceran, J.M. Borràs and A. Izquierdo. "Long-term excess mortality during 1985-2004 for women diagnosed of breast cancer before the age of 50 years in Girona: a Bayesian approach"
- P21. E. Delgado, M. Amo-Salas, L. Filova, R. Harman and J. López-Fidalgo. "Optimal Experimental Design: A discriminative study"
- P22. J. Demey-Zambrano, G. Dean, M.L. Zingaretti, O. Ruiz, M.P. Galindo-Villardón, J.L. Vicente-Villardón and J.R. Demey. "Quality assessment of studies to evaluate if psychosocial interventions are effective in reducing fatigue in cancer patients receiving active treatment: a Biplot approach"
- P23. C.J. Flores, A. Aguilar, L. Pinillos and C.Vallejos. "Incidence and survival of breast cancer at Oncosalud-AUNA: a dynamic cohort study"
- P24. I. Garcia-Ceciaga, E. Diaz-Ereño, I. Aróstegui and B.M. Jugo. "Identificación de patrones dietéticos mediante análisis multivariante en una muestra de población laboral de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU"
- P25. S. García-Gutiérrez, A. Antón Ladislao, I. Lafuente Guerrero, M.J. Legarreta Olabarrieta and J.M. Quintana Lopez. "Creation and validation of a predictive model to assess poor outcomes in acute decompensated heart failure"
- P26. M. González, C. Gutiérrez, R. Martínez and M. Mota. "Bisexual branching processes as models for the evolution of some recessive pernicious alleles of X-linked genes in a population"
- P27. N. Gutierrez, I. Barrio, J.M. Lacave, A. Orbea and I. Arostegui. "Comparison and implementation of statistical methodology in environmental toxicology"
- P28. M. Higueras, J.F. López-Fidalgo, A. Jiménez, P. Puig and E.A. Ainsbury. "On the optimal design of cytogenetic dose-response curves"
- P29. A. Larrañaga, D.-J. Lee and I. Arostegui. "Testing differences for ecosystem totals: a statistical approach to work with stratified random sampling"
- P30. M.J. Legarreta, I. Barrio, A. Unzurrunzaga, J. Lazaro, J.M. Quintana and I. Arostegui. "Development of a computer application (PREVEXEPOC) based on a prognostic severity score system for the stratification of risk of mortality in patients with an exacerbation of COPD"