Rustam Tursun-zade

Rustam Tursun-zade

Informazio pertsonala

  • Kategoria: OPIK lantaldeko ikertzailea
  • Bulegoa: 3.30
  • Telefono zenbakia: 946015167
  • Posta
  • ORCID: 0000-0002-1877-5803



Nazioarteko Harremanetan lizentziatua (2013), Biztanlegoa eta Garapenean Masterra (NRU Higher School of Economics, Mosku, 2017), eta Europako Doktoregoko Demografia Eskolan (EDSD) graduatua (2020). EDSD eskolan hasi zen demografia formalean, proiekzioetan eta estatu-anitzeko modeloetan dudan interesa sortzen eta garatzen. Gaur egun, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko (UPV/EHU) Ikerketa Ereduak eta Arloak Gizarte Zientzietan doktorego programako ikaslea naiz.

Nire ikerketa lana minbiziaren eremuan eta datuen kalitatearen ebaluazioan oinarritzen da batez ere. Nire doktorego tesia, Timothy Riffe irakasleak zuzendutakoa, estatu-anitzeko trantsizio probabilitateen proiekzioen inguruanb garatzen dut. R ikastaroak irakasten ere aritzen naiz maiz.


Argitalpen garrantzitsuenak

Tursun-Zade, R., Pushkina, N., Andreychenko, A., Denisova, D., Bunakova, A., Nazarova, E., ... & Barchuk, A. (2024). Sex differences in lung cancer incidence and mortality in Russia in the light of computed tomography usage expansion: breakpoint and age-period-cohort analyses. Cancer Epidemiology, 93, 102654.

Barchuk, A., Tursun-zade, R., Nazarova, E. et al. (2023). Completeness of regional cancer registry data in Northwest Russia 2008-2017. BMC Cancer 23, 994.

Barchuk A, Skougarevskiy D, Kouprianov A, Shirokov D, Dudkina O, Tursun-zade R, et al. (2022) COVID-19 pandemic in Saint Petersburg, Russia: Combining population-based serological study and surveillance data. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0266945.

Barchuk A, Raskina Y; Tursun-Zade R, Craig H, Are C, Gushchin V. (2022): Cancer on the Global Stage: Incidence and Cancer-Related Mortality in the Russian Federation. The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Post. Link:

Barchuk A, Tursun-zade R, Belayev A, Moore M, Komarov Y, Moshina N, Anttila A, Nevalainen J, Auvinen A, Ryzhov Am Znaor A. (2021): Comparability and validity of cancer registry data in the northwest of Russia, Acta Oncologica, 60:10, 1264-1271, DOI: 10.1080/0284186X.2021.1967443

Barchuk A, Shirokov D, Sergeeva M, Tursun Zade R, Dudkina O, Tychkova V, Barabanova L, Skougarevskiy D, Danilenko D. (2021): Evaluation of the performance of SARS--CoV--2 antibody assays for a longitudinal population-based study of COVID--19 spread in St. Petersburg, Russia. Journal of Medical Virology 293(10):5846-5852. DOI: 10.1002/jmv.27126.

Barchuk A, Belyaev A, Gretsova O, Tursun-zade R, Moshina N, Znaor A. (2021): History and current status of cancer registration in Russia. Cancer Epidemiology, 73: 101963. DOI:

Tursun Zade R. (2019): Evaluation of the malignant neoplasm prevalence in Russia. Demographic Review, 5(5). DOI:

Andreev EM, Barchuk A, Tursun Zade R, Merabishvili, VM (2019): Demographics analysis of incidence and mortality data of the population-based cancer registries of North-West of Russia. Demographic Review, 6(2). (In Russian). DOI:

Shkolnikov VM, Andreev EM, Tursun Zade R, Leon DA. (2019): Patterns in the relationship between life expectancy and gross domestic product in Russia, 2005-2015 a cross-sectional analysis. Lancet Public Health 4(4). DOI:

Tursun Zade R. (2018): Evaluation of the malignant neoplasm prevalence in Russia. Demographic review, 5(3). (2018). DOI: