Hitzaldiak eta kongresuak - 2007

  • Do antibiotics alter the biohydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids in barleyfinished beef?
    Aldai N; Dugan MER; Kramer JKG; Rolland DC; Mir PS; McAllister TA
    Idatzitako komunikazioa
    Canadian Nutrition Congress: A Joint Meeting of Canadian Section of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences, and Canadian Society of Animal Science
  • Breed effects on intramuscular, intermuscular and subcutaneous fatty acid composition in yearling bulls
    Aldai N; Dugan MER; Martinez A; Najera AI; Osoro K
    Idatzitako komunikazioa
    Annual Canadian Meat Science Association
    Proceedings of the Technical Symposium: Focusing on the consumer: What science can do for you, p. 61
  • Ensayo de intercomparación Parmigiano-Reggiano e Idiazabal
    Pérez Elortondo, F.J., Zannoni, M.
    Gonbidatutako txostena
    I Jornada Internacional Parmigiano-Reggiano/Idiazabal
  • Tipos de cuajos y sus características
    de Renobales M.
    Gonbidatutako txostena
    IV Jornadas de Quesos de Canarias
    La Palma
  • Origen de las características sensoriales de los quesos Parmigiano-Reggiano e Idiazabal
    LJR Barron
    Gonbidatutako txostena
    I Jornada Internacional Parmigiano-Reggiano/Idiazabal
  • Effect of feeding regime and grazing on the nutritional and technological quality of sheep's milk
    E Abilleira, PN Fernández-Caballero, AI Nájera, LJR Barron, MA Bustamante, J Salmerón, M Albisu, FJ Pérez-Elortondo, M Virto, JC Ruiz de Gordoa, L Oregi, R Ruiz, M de Renobales
    Idatzitako komunikazioa
    World dairy summit 2007
  • Changes in texture and flavour during the ripening of Murcian wine cheese made with lamb rennet paste
    E. Ferrandini, M.B. López, M. Castillo, M. de Renobales, M. Virto, J. Laencina
    Idatzitako komunikazioa
    5th International Symposium on The Challenge to the sheep and goat milk sectors
  • Biogenic Amines in Spanish cheeses made with sheep and goat milk
    Fernández Caballero, P; Virto, M.; Conde, S.; Barrón R. L.J.;. Nájera, A.I.; Pérez- Elortondo, F-J.; Albisu, M.; Laencina, J.; Ferrandinal E.; de Renobales, M.
    Idatzitako komunikazioa
    5th International Symposium on The Challenge to the sheep and goat milk sectors
  • Grazing influences the technological and nutritional quality of sheep's milk and cheese
    M de Renobales, E Abilleira, PN Fernández-Caballero, LJR Barron, AI Nájera, M Virto, J Salmerón, M Bustamante, M Albisu, FJ Pérez-Elortondo, JC Ruiz de Gordoa, L Oregi, R Ruiz
    Gonbidatutako txostena
    14th meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM mountain pastures network
  • Preparación, conservación y uso de cuajos artesanales
    de Renobales M.
    Gonbidatutako txostena
    IV Jornadas de Quesos de Canarias
    La Palma