What is the meaning of accountability for harm doers, harmed ones and communities? How does it vary in different contexts and cases? Why is it important? How can we implement it in concrete ways?
Research seminar: Accountability or the never-ending ‘art’ of bringing virtues to politics: Insights and potentials for criminology and victimology
Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2024/10/03

Basque Instiute of Criminology Research Seminar
Antonio Beristain Auditorium
November 11, 2024, 15:30-17:00
Free entrance
Antonio Beristain Auditorium
November 11, 2024, 15:30-17:00
Free entrance
A conversation with: Jaseff Raziel Yauri-Miranda
Post-doctoral researcher at the Basque Institute of Criminology and Fellow researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam
More information: gemmamaria.varona@ehu.eus