ERA NET P2P Initiatives

IMMENSE: Inkjet manufacturing of CCMs for PEMFC by development of catalytic inks & their deposition.

Specific programme: Joint Programming Initiative in “Functional materials” funded through M-ERA NET3 Cofund 2021 programme and AEI “Proyectos de Cooperación Internacional” (Proyecto PCI2022-132934, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y por la Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR).

APCIN code: PCI2022-132934

UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary

UPV/EHU PI: Maria Paulis

Project start: 01/05/2022
Project end:   30/04/2025

Brief description: In the course of global undertakings to achieve a CO2-neutral energy economy, the German-Spanish-Czech consortium of the project named IMMENSE targets the UN sustainable development goals (SDG) 7 and 9. In detail, it plans to make impact on the current fuel cell technology by tailoring the catalytic ink and processing it using digital inkjet-printing technology supplementing the currently used analogous processes. The consortium represents experts for material development focussing on tuning interfacial properties. In focus are a flexible design of CCMs, reducing manufacturing costs, experimental characterization and advanced mathematical modelling. A short stack fuel cell demonstrator will validate the new manufacturing technology based on an optimized material system that shows similar performance as conventionally produced fuel cells used for mobile applications, i.e. in a car.

To reflect all developments according to market needs, an industrial partner is part of the consortium.