Doctorado en Literatura Comparada y Estudios Literarios

Doctorado en Literatura Comparada y Estudios Literarios

VI Jornadas Internacionales sobre el Mito en las Artes / VI International Conference on Myth in the Arts

September 15th and 16th, 2022
Faculty of Arts, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Spain

Call for papers

The VI International Conference on Myth in the Arts, organised by members of the research group Rewest from the Department of English and German, Translation and Interpretation of the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and co-funded by said Department, the Faculty of Arts and the Campus of Alava, aims to provide a forum where ancient, classical, modern and contemporary myths can be explored in all possible artistic fields —from literature, to music, to film, to performative arts and virtual media, to name but a few— and from a variety of theoretical frameworks —Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Gender Studies, Feminism/s, Masculinities, LGTBQ+ Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Ecocriticism, Disability Studies, Film Studies, Performative Studies, among others. The event will include key-note lectures by international scholars on the use, subversion and re/production of old and new myths both as vehicles for cultural communication and as means of artistic expression. The VI International Conference on Myth in the Arts welcomes applications from PhD students as well as late stages MA students and early stages PostDoc researchers on the following and complementing topics:

  • Revisiting ancient/classical myths in modern/contemporary works
  • Birth and evolution of (post)modern myths
  • The re/production of urban myths
  • Mythopoeia
  • Mythifying social stereotypes
  • The aesthetics of myth
  • Cultural appropriation of non-western myths
  • Transtextual dialogues about specific myths
  • The artistic representation, use and purpose of myth/s in multicultural contexts
  • Mythification as a tool for reclaiming and constructing identities

The VI International Conference on Myth in the Arts will be held online and face-to-face at the Faculty of Arts of the University of the Basque Country in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, on the 15th and 16th of September, 2022. The presentations will be grouped into theme sessions based on the research field and they will be presented in parallel sessions. Each presenter will be given 20 minutes to present their work either in person or via Zoom. In view of the international character of the event, the working language is English.

Registration and fees

Conference fees: FREE for both presenters and attendees.

Registration: attendees must send a request to by the 4th of September, 2022.

Abstract guidelines and submission

All abstracts need to meet the following requirements: 200 words in English (excluding references), typeset in Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.15 spacing. Please, name the attachment “Myth 2022”, followed by the author’s full name. Abstracts should contain thesis statement, aims, critical approach, methodology, analysis, results, and conclusions.

Abstracts must be sent to by the 25th of July, 2022 (included). Participants will be notified by the 29th of July, 2022.

If you have any queries, please, contact us via the following email address:

Previous issues of the International Conference on Myth in the Arts