

Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, Spain

The APG Laboratory is located at the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao, Spain.

This faculty is in the city centre of Bilbao, between San Mamés soccer stadium and Bilbao Bus Terminal, Termibus.

It has good public transport connections such as:

Arriving by foot

How to access to the Faculty

The Faculty can be accessed from 3 different streets (see the plan below or go to Google Maps)

The Faculty can be accessed from 3 different streets Map of Bilbao

The easiest way to get to the APG laboratory is through the entrance 1, the nearest to the Bus Terminal and right next to "San Mamés" underground station (Luis Briñas exit).

The laboratory is located at the basement floor of the "B" building, in the S1B11L.

Arriving by plane


Bilbao´s airport is located 12 kilometers from Bilbao, in the municipality of Loiu.

If you arrive to Bilbao by plane there are two options to get to the faculty:

  • Take a taxi, which would cost you aprox, 20 € and takes about 20 min.
  • Take the bus, line A3247, which would cost you 1.40 € and leaves the airport every 20 min. The last stop will be in the Bus Station, next to the faculty.

Arriving by bus

Arriving by bus

If you arrive by bus, you will have no problems finding the faculty since it is next to the bus station.

Arriving by car

Arriving by car

To get to the faculty by car you should get the "Sagrado Corazón" highway exit when reaching Bilbao.

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Información principal
Investigación en el empleo de espectroscopía y tecnologías complementarias en la detección de fitosanitarios in situ en aceituna entera
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Objetivo principal

Investigar la aplicación de tecnologías de espectroscopía y nariz electrónica para la detección de productos fitosanitarios en aceituna entera in situ con el fin de asegurar el cumplimiento de los límites reglamentados para estos compuestos en aceites de oliva y realizar una supervisión en tiempo real del proceso de producción que permita una rápida identificación de problemas y adopción de medidas inmediatas relacionadas con la presencia de contaminantes, ayudando a reducir el desperdicio y mejorando la eficiencia y el control de calidad de los aceites de oliva, a la vez que realizar una clasificación apropiada del fruto, antes de su molturación, para conseguir aceites con “residuo cero”, muy valorados por el consumidor actual.

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