- Workshop: Ser periodista en la guerra de las redes y la desinformación
- Journalism and education against disinformation: the experience of Verificat
- Medicines and health communication research
- The power of communication for an organisation
- Trends in Communication
- Professional Association. Commitment and guarantee of Quality in the Creation of communicative contents"
Workshop: Ser periodista en la guerra de las redes y la desinformación

Speaker: Carmela Ríos, journalist. Luca de Tena Foundation and Google News Initiative.
Date: 3 October 2024
Time: 11.00-13.00 h.
Place: Leioa Campus, Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication.
Organised by: Gureiker Research Group, Basque Association of Journalists/Basque Association of Journalists.

Journalism and education against disinformation: the experience of Verificat

Medicines and health communication research
The power of communication for an organisation

Trends in Communication

Professional Association. Commitment and guarantee of Quality in the Creation of communicative contents"