Seminar on Women and Media

10th Seminar on Women and Media (EMAKOM'24)


The X EMAKOM Conference will focus on analyzing "Communication and scientific-technological gender gaps" from a specialized perspective.

Date: April 10, 2024, 09.30am-2.30pm. Venue: Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication
Leioa Campus, Barrio Sarriena, s/N UPV/EHU. Free admission until full capacity is reached.


9.30 h. Official opening of the Conference. Dean of the Faculty and Director of the Department of Journalism.

10.00 h. "Adimen Artifizialaren genero alborapena: testuetatik ikasten" (Basque). Speaker: Maite Oronoz Anchordoqui. Lecturer at the Department of Computer Languages and Systems of the Faculty of Computer Science of the UPV-EHU.

10.45 h. "Neither intelligence nor artificial" (Spanish). Speaker: Lorena Fernández Álvarez. Director of Digital Communication at the University of Deusto.

11.30 h. Coffee break.

12.00 h. "Emakumeak, identitate zientifiko-digitalak eta erronka komunikatiboak" (Basque). Speaker: Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri. Director of marketing and communication in

12.45 p.m. Round table discussion: awareness, challenges and solutions to scientific-technological gender gaps.

13.15 h. Questions time and end of the seminar.

Twitter: @Gureikertaldea
Instagram: Gureiker_taldea

9th Seminar on Women and Media (EMAKOM'23)

The IX EMAKOM Conference will focus on analyzing "Journalism, maternity, and conciliation" from a specialized perspective.

Date: March 29, 2023
Venue: Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication
Leioa Campus, Barrio Sarriena, s/N UPV/EHU

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Twitter: @Gureikertaldea
Instagram: Gureiker_taldea

Date: March 29, 2023
Venue: Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication
Leioa Campus, Barrio Sarriena, s/N UPV/EHU

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Twitter: @Gureikertaldea
Instagram: Gureiker_taldea

8th Seminar on Women and Media (EMAKOM'22)

1st April 2022

Baroja Hall - Bizkaia Aretoa (Bilbao)

Registration: free admission, until full capacity is reached.


This 8th Conference is dedicated in memoriam to Lucía Martínez Odriozola, lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the UPV/EHU, journalist and posthumous winner of the Emakunde 2021 Award, and organiser of this event in previous editions. This 2022 edition aims to deepen and reflect on current discussions and advances in media treatment from a gender and feminist perspective.


09.30. Opening and presentation of the conference.

Izaskun Landaida (Director of Emakunde).

Ainara Larrondo (Conference leader).

10.00. Gender biases about older women in advertising and journalistic discourse. Begoña Sanz Garrido. Researcher at the University of Deusto specialising in gender bias in the media.

11.00 From theory to practice: being a journalist and a feminist today. Isabel Valdés. Specialised journalist and gender correspondent for El País.

12.00. Coffee break

12.30. Round table: Feminist and gender media discourses: product or service?

Additional information