Research lines

Research lines


  • Media innovation, newsroom automatisation, journalistic narratives

  • Communicators’ technical and emotional training

  • Organisational and corporate communication

  • Audience’s media consumption and uses

  • Social networks for journalistic and corporate communication

  • Specialised communication (women and gender; environmental; political, etc.)

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and discourses (disinformation and fact-checking, hate speech, etc.))

  • Educommunication and digital literacy

  • Agenda 2030 and SDG

Research lines

Research lines


  • Media innovation, newsroom automatisation, journalistic narratives

  • Communicators’ technical and emotional training

  • Organisational and corporate communication

  • Audience’s media consumption and uses

  • Social networks for journalistic and corporate communication

  • Specialised communication (women and gender; environmental; political, etc.)

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) and discourses (disinformation and fact-checking, hate speech, etc.))

  • Educommunication and digital literacy

  • Agenda 2030 and SDG