Horizon Europe
- Academics4Rail - Building a community of railway scientific researchers and academia for ERJU and enabling a network of PhDs (academia teaming with industry)
- ADSOIL - ADvanced SOILs for the agritech R&D
- AiRPaDD - Advancing Reaction Platforms for Drug Discovery
- AQUASERV - Research infrastructure services for sustainable aquaculture, fisheries and the blue economy
- BeeGuards - Resilient beekeeping and breeding to safeguard natural genetic resources and pollination services
- BlueAdapt - Reducing climate based health risks in blue environments: Adapting to the climate change impacts on coastal pathogens
- CATART - Reaction robot with intimate photocatalytic and separation functions in a 3-D network driven by artificial intelligence
- CavityMag: Cavity quantum electrodynamics control of magnetic phases in twisted van der Waals heterostructures
- CINEMA - Chemistry informed machine learning in emulsion polymerization processes and products
- CONTRABASS - zero-CO2 cemeNt ThRough cArBonation of cAlcium Silicates and aluminateS
- COSAS - Controlling Oxygen Selectivity at the Atomic Scale
- CRISPRGels: Rational Nanoparticle Design for Efficient Transmucosal CRISPR Delivery in Cystic Fibrosis
- CURVEO - Selective ethylene oxidation on novel curved model catalysts
- DELIAH - Democratic Literacy and Humor
- DEMO - Discovery of efficient Enzyme-like Metal Organic frameworks to activate biomethane at low temperature
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