

EHUrOPE, the International R&D Office, was created in 2007 following the initiative of the Vice-Rectorate for Research to strengthen the participation of the research community in international programmes and especially in the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme.

The Framework Programme has proved itself to be an effective instrument for the promotion of R+D+i in Europe and is a great opportunity for the internationalization of the research and innovation activities of the UPV/EHU.

Horizon 2020 now takes up the challenge to contribute to the attainment of the objectives established in the Europe 2020 Strategy and in the creation of the European Research Space, objectives that are assumed by the Member States and European regions.

The International R&D Office, as an organisational structure that contributes to the increase of economic return percentage from Europe, aims to facilitate effectively and efficiently the participation of the UPV/EHU with the following initiatives:

  • Dissemination, promotion and stimulation of participation
  • Support in the preparation of proposals
  • Funds to create consortia
  • Administrative and economic management of projects


Contact information:

International R&D Office UPV/EHU