Open Call for Mobility and Dissemination Grants
MODALITY III: Promotion of participation in international research projects
The purpose of this call is to promote the participation of the UPV/EHU in international research consortia (especially Horizon Europe) as well as in international networks, platforms and associations.
Who can apply for the grant?
- Doctoral staff who are civil servants or employees of the UPV/EHU on a permanent basis.
- Staff hired under the modality of article 23 of Law 14/20211 on Science, Technology and Innovation (distinguished research staff);
- Staff hired under the Ramón y Cajal programme
- Staff of the Ikerbasque programme with primary assignment at the UPV/EHU
- Doctoral staff assigned to the UPV/EHU-CSIC joint centres
- Associate professors, assistant professors and associate professors of the teaching units of university hospitals.
Nature, types of aid and maximum amount
The grants will exclusively finance travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses of UPV/EHU staff and/or consultancy corresponding to activities carried out between January 1 and December 31, 2023 or until the publication of the new call.
All applications must be sent by email to Once the application has been submitted, and having obtained approval from the International R&D Office, you may receive the grant under the terms specified in the "Justification" section.
MODALITY A. Grant for consultancy.
- Modality A1. Up to €3,000 to support the cost of contracting consultancy services that support the preparation and presentation of proposals coordinated by the UPV/EHU (especially Horizon Europe).
- Modality A2. Up to €1,500 to support the cost of hiring a consultant for the preparation and presentation of proposals not coordinated by the UPV/EHU.
Documentation required for the application:
- International R&D application form
- Budget for 3 consultants to carry out the work, indicating the selected one. The hiring of the consultant must be carried out in accordance with the Law of Contracts, so if 3 budgets are not requested, it must be duly justified.
- CV of the applicant researcher
- Complete and send the form “Justification for International R&D aid” to, indicating the amount of the consultancy invoice along with the original invoice
- The invoice must be in the name of the UPV/EHU (CIF: Q4818001B, Barrio Sarriena sn, 48940 Leioa).
MODALITY B. Travel aid.
The following activities will be supported:
- Modality B1. Participation in international preparatory meetings aimed at presenting a proposal coordinated by the UPV/EHU (especially Horizon Europe): up to €3,500 per proposal.
- Modality B2. Participation in international preparatory meetings aimed at presenting a proposal in which the UPV/EHU is a beneficiary (especially Horizon Europe): up to €1,900 per proposal.
- Modality B3. Participation in meetings of technological platforms and networks and associations of an international nature that promote collective sectoral R&D&I strategies of interest to the UPV/EHU: up to €1,900 per accredited member.
- Modality B4. Participation in infodays (organised by official bodies): up to €1,400 per research group.
Documentation required for the application:
- Duly completed International R&D application form, which will include an estimate of travel costs.
- Corresponding license from the director of the Department or Institute
- Invitation or registration letter
- CV of the applicant researcher
- Quote from 3 travel agencies to arrange flights and accommodation. Once the approval of the International R&D Office has been received, the approval will be given and the organization to take charge of the agency will be indicated.
- Submit the expenses through the IZAPIDE virtual office (the application will include an organization from the International R&D Office that we will indicate to you in due time).
- Complete and send the “Justification of International R&D Aid” form to, which will include a brief report on the activity carried out for which the aid is granted.
- Expenses for personnel other than UPV/EHU personnel will not be financed.
- Accommodation and subsistence expenses that exceed the amounts in the Regulations will not be financed.