The EURATOM Research and Training Programme (2021-2025) addresses the key issue of the diverse applications of nuclear energy in Europe. Using nuclear energy applications, whether for energy production or not, to benefit the general public in Europe requires long-term efforts in order to reduce security and safety risks and support the development of safe nuclear technologies and optimal radiation protection. Public and private research at national level has an important role to play in this effort.

EURATOM's task is to complement the contributions of the Member States through a Community research and training programme. In this respect, EURATOM will complement the HORIZON EUROPE Framework Programme using the same instruments and rules for participation.

The EURATOM programme will run from 2021 for 5 years, in accordance with Article 7 of the Euratom Treaty, with the possibility of a 2-year extension until 2027 in line with the duration of HORIZON EUROPE and the multiannual financial framework.

The programme will continue the main research activities in the field of radiation protection, nuclear safety and security, waste management, radiation protection and fusion energy, while increasing the emphasis on non-energy applications of ionising radiation and decommissioning.