ERASMUS Projects
- AAC@school for social inclusion
- AI Pioneers - AI and the future of Education
- AI@School
- ALLSTARS - Good Practice for Active Lifestyles in Local Sports Policies – Governing the integration of marginalized groups in sports
- AQET - Assessment of Quality of Erasmus Traineeships
- ATEST: Assessment of Traineeships within the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation SysTem
- ATTUNE - Activate the University for Climate Change
- AWARE - Increasing Anxiety awareness in higher education during (post) Covid-19 pandemic
- BRIDGE: Promotion of European Traditional Sports and Games, a bridge for Intercultural Dialogue
- Bringing the European Union closer to School: an approach through ICT
- CalohEx - Comparing and Measuring Achievements of Learning Outcomes Europe - Extension
- Career Pathways
- CC-BELIVE - Believe in Climate Change - development of the analytical competences and critical thinking of youth
- Co4AIR: Computers, Cognition and Communication in Control: A strategIc paRtnership
- CODEDU - Using new learning methodologies and coding with Arduino in education
- COM - Circular Organic Management: Supporting the behavioral change in schools around the food and organic waste taking into account its social,environmental and financial dimension
- CS4ESD: Citizen Science for Education in Sustainable Development
- CT&MathABLE - Computational Thinking and Mathematical Problem Solving, an Analytics Based Learning Environment
- CULTURAD - Enhancing European CULTural and creative practices to empower civic engagement and address the risk of RADicalisation among youth
- CultureYouthLab. Youth activation and emancipation through creative processes
- e-REACKT: e-learning Revision Activity and Collaborative Knowledge Teaching
- E4TLI: Education for Technological Literacy and Inclusion
- ECBS: European Cross-Border Skills
- Edu4ALL: Disability as diversity: The inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education
- EFFORT: EFFectiveness Of Responsibility Teaching
- Empowering the Youth through Financial Literacy
- EmTech4HE: Stimulating Higher Education instructional practices by supporting HEI Educators in enhancing teaching excellence, through leveraging EMerging TECHnologies (AR, VR, AI) for educational innovation and excellence
- EngiMath: Mathematics on-line learning model in engineering education
- ENLIGHT - On course for the future
- ENLIGHT: European University Network to promote Equitable Quality of Life, Sustainability, and Global Engagement through Higher Education Transformation
- Etorkizuna: Building with young people
- EU+ Map - Map of positive Experiences across Europe
- EUATXX - The European Union at the Crossroads: The Major Challenges of the European Integration Project
- European Union, teachers and students in the 21st Century: new challenges for training using new technologies
- FEGEMI - Female soccer players regarding Genetics, Menstrual Cycle and Injury risk
- FEMCoach - Female Sport Coaching Training Programme
- FemPower: gender equality in the clean energy transition
- FEMSTEM - Accelerating women participation in STEM fields to respond to the needs of industry 4.0
- FORESIGHT - Future Oriented Education for Students Incorporating GSC in High-paced Times
- Go Green! Transdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Environmental Sustainability at School
- HEISE: Higher Education Institutions for Societal Engagement
- IESRES: Innovative European Studies On Renewable Energy Systems
- IGNITED-POWER: Inclusive GeNder and sexual orIenTEation navigation for transformation anD emPOWERment
- Inclusi-ON: Strategic Partnerships for youth
- InPeace: People, Communities and Cities in Peacebuilding: An Inclusive and Intersectional Approach to Peace Studies
- INSIDE: Integrating Special-needs Individuals into Digi-holistic Education
- JUPAFSJ: The judicial protection of fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ)
- L4L: Learning for life
- LeaderSHIP - Learning European Alliance for Digital, Environmental and Resilient Shipbuilding
- LInSS - Education Model through Language Integrated School
50 Items per Page