Academic calendar

Academic Calendar & Grading System

Academic Calendar. 2023-2024

First semester or Autumn semester:

  • Classes and teaching period: 11/09/2023 - 22/12/2023
  • Christmas holidays: 23/12/2023 – 7/01/2024
  • Exams: 8/01/2024 - 19/01/2024
  • Extraordinary exams: 10/06/2024 - 05/07/2024


Second semester or Spring semester:

  • Classes and teaching period: 22/01/2024 - 10/05/2023
  • Easter holidays: 28/03/2024 –7/04/2023
  • Exams: 13/05/2024 – 31/05/2024
  • Extraordinary exams: 10/06/2024 - 5/07/2024

Grading System Information (University of The Basque Country)

Grade Definition equivalence table – ECTS grading scale

Textual scale (letter) Textual scale Numerical scale Comments
A Excellent 9,0-10 Outstanding performance with only minor errors
B Very good 8,0-8,9 Above the average standard but with some errors 
C Gool 7,0-7,9

Generally sound work with a number of notable errors

D Satisfactory 6,0-6,9 Fair but with significant shortcomings
E Sufficient 5,0-5,9

Performance meets the minimum criteria

FX-F Fail 0-4,9

Performance meets the minimum criteria

NP - - INCOMPLETE: the student did not sit in the exam or did not hand in the assignments