
Universal Access

UPV/EHU has a Plan for accessibility of the campus that includes a diagnosis where the barriers of accessibility in the urban environment and public buildings, transportation and communication are collected. From it are designing and gradually developing improvement plans and actions to ensure access and non-discriminatory, independent and safe built environment use.


  • Adaptation and reorganisation of university spaces (classrooms, computer rooms, libraries, laboratories, etc.).
  • Search for accessible routes (ramps, lifts, etc.).
  • Incorporation of accessibility features (signs, handrails, indicators on doors, floor signs, etc.).
  • Specific evacuation measures. Instructions for use of evacuation Chair.Video
  • Provision of reserved parking spaces. 
  • Reserved Parking Warning .Notice for parking  (Pdf,29 KB)


  Ver video Accesibilidad Universal en lengua signos a pantalla completa Zeinu Hizkuntza Bideoa  -   Irrisgarritasuna