Doctorado en Química Sintética e Industrial

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Christmas Workshop

  • Prof. Jordi Llop
  • Prof. Felix Rodríguez
    Universidad de Oviedo
  • Prof. Mónica Carril
    Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
  • Prof. Lourdes Basabe
    University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)


Fecha: 20 de diciembre de 2023
Lugar: Auditorio Carlos Santamaría (Donostia-San Sebastián)


  • 9.15-9.30h Opening
  • 9.30-10.20h Prof. Jordi Llop
    Radiochemistry for Diagnostic and Theranostic Applications: from Neurodegeneration to Cancer
  • 10.20-11.10h Prof. Mónica Carril
    Biofisika, Biofisika Institute (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
    Water-Friendly Fluorinated Nanoparticles and Applications
  • 11.10-11.40h Break
  • 11.40-12.30h Prof. Felix Rodríguez
    University of Oviedo
    A Journey into the World of Vinyl Cations
  • 12.30-13.20h Prof. Lourdes Basabe
    University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
    Lab on a Chip Technology for Analysis of Fluids and Biological Systems