Argitalpenak: 2022
- Gender awareness is also nurses’ business: measuring sensitivity and role ideology toward patients Journal of Nursing Management, 2022; 30(8), 4409 - 4418
- Estilos parentales percibidos e Inteligencia Emocional en adolescentes bolivianos Perspectivas en Psicología, 2022; 19(1), 103 - 124
- Reducing Anxiety and Social Stress in Primary Education: A Breath-Focused Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Intervention International Jourmal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022; 19(16):10181
- Emotional Self-Regulation in Primary Education: A Heart Rate-Variability Biofeedback Intervention Programme International Jourmal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022; 19(9): 5475
- Mujeres en el estamento arbitral obstáculos y medidas para impulsar su participación Arbitraje y juicio deportivo: un análisis desde la pedagogía y la psicología, 2022; 149 - 163 - 978-84-19023-81-0
- The "walking with friends to school" project and its contribution to independent mobility, self-esteem and happiness Children & Society, 2022; 36(5), 768 - 778
- Leisure Activities, Creative Actions and Emotional Creativity Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2022; 45, 101060
- A validated WAIS-IV short-form to estimate intellectual functioning in Myotonic Dystrophy type-1 Neuromuscular Disorders, 2022; 32(9), 749 - 753
- A survey on the use of mice, pigs, dogs and monkeys as animal models in biomedical research in Spain Laboratoy Animal Research, 2022; 38(1): 14
- Calidad de vida profesional en la investigación con animales de laboratorio Sociedad Española para las Ciencias del Animal de Laboratorio, 2022; 92
- Assessment of Adaptive Performance in Spanish language and its role as a moderator of the relationship between Person-Organization Fit and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Psicothema, 2022; 34(1), 84 - 94
- Primary and Secondary Caregivers of People with Dementia: Differential Outcomes in Well-being and Implications for Psychological Support Healthcare, 2022; 10(6): 1102
- Muturreko goiztiarren profil neuropsikologikoaren luzetarako azterketa Uztaro, 2022; 121, 137 - 152
- Dietary Inflammatory Index of mothers during pregnancy and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms in the child at preschool age: A prospective investigation in the INMA and RHEA cohorts European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 2022; 31(4), 615 - 624
- Professional Quality of Life among Spanish Veterinarians Veterinary Record Open, 2022; 9(1): e250.
- AGHNa duten haurrei bideratutako teknika osagarriak: mindfulness-a, errealitate birtuala eta mindfulness birtuala Uztaro, 2022; 124, 51 - 72
- The Impact of Sexism and Gender Stereotypes on the Legitimization of Women's Low Back Pain Pain Management Nursing, 2022; 23(5), 591 - 595
- Is social media a new type of social support? Social media use in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods study. International Jourmal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022; 19(7): 3952.
- Adikzioen Psikologia eta Osasuna UEU, 2022; 978-84-1319-420-2
- Elkarrizketa Motibazionala UEU, 2022; 2603-8900
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