Argitalpenak: Zentzumen analisi deskriptiboa (talde entrenatuak)
- G. Amores, F.J. Pérez-Elortondo, M. Albisu and L.J.R. Barrón. (2021). To what extent do environmental or technological conditions affect the sensory differentiation of raw ewe milk cheeses produced in valley or mountain farms? Journal Dairy Science, 104, 301–307.
- L. Zabaleta, M. Albisu, M. Ojeda, P.F. Gil, I. Etaio, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. de Renobales, L.J.R. Barrón (2016). Occurrence of sensory defects in semi-hard ewe’s raw milk cheeses. Dairy Science & Technology, 96, 53-65.
- I. Hernández, L.J.R. Barrón, M. Virto, M. Aramburu, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, C. Flanagan, U. Rozas, A.I. Nájera, M. Albisu, M.S. Vicente, M. De Renobales (2009). Lypolisis, proteolysis and sensory properties of ewe’s raw milk cheese (Idiazabal) made with lipase addition. Food Chemistry, 116, 158-166.
- L.J.R. Barrón, Y. Redondo, M. Aramburu, P. Gil, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, A.I. Nájera, M. De Renobales, E. Fernández García (2007). Volatile composition and sensory properties of industrially produced Idiazabal cheese. International Dairy Journal, 17, 1401-1414.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, J. Mège, L. Bivar Roseiro, M.F. Scintu, P. Torre, S. Loygorri, P. Lavanchy (2007). An international ring trial for the sensory evaluation of raw ewe milk cheese texture. International Dairy Journal, 17, 1139-1147.
- I. Etaio, F.J. Pérez-Elortondo, P. Gil, M. Albisu, M. Virto, S. Conde, L.J. Rodríguez Barrón, A.I. Nájera, M.E. Gómez-Hidalgo, C. Delgado, A. Guerra, M. de Renobales. (2006). Hygienic quality, lipolysis and sensory properties of Spanish Protected Designation of Origin ewe’s milk cheeses manufactured with lamb rennet paste. Lait, 86, 415-434.
- L.J.R. Barrón, Y. Redondo, C.E. Flanagan, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, A.I. Nájera, M. de Renobales, E. Fernández-García (2005). Comparison of the volatile composition and sensory characteristics of Spanish PDO cheeses manufactures from ewes’ raw milk and animal rennet. International Dairy Journal, 15, 371-382.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu (2005). Sensory comparison of several cheese varieties manufactured from different milk sources. Journal Sensory Studies, 20, 62-74.
- I. Hernández, M. De Renobales, M. Virto, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, L.J.R. Barrón, C. Flanagan, M. Albisu (2005). Assessment of industrial lipases for flavour development in commercial Idiazabal (ewe’s raw milk) cheese. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 36, 870-879.
- L.J.R. Barrón, Y. Redondo, M. Aramburu, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, A.I. Nájera, M. de Renobales (2005). Variations in volatile compounds and flavour in Idiazabal cheese manufactured from ewe’s milk in farmhouse and factory. Journal Science Food Agriculture, 85, 1660-1671.
- L.J.R. Barrón, I. Hernández, A. Bilbao, C. Flanagan, A.I. Nájera, M. Virto, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, M. de Renobales (2004). Changes in lipidic fractions and sensory properties of Idiazabal cheese induced by lipase addition. Journal Dairy Research, 71, 372-379
- M.A. Bustamante, M. Virto, M.S. Vicente, M. Aramburu, L.J.R. Barrón, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, M. de Renobales (2003). Lamb rennet paste in ovine cheese manufacture. II. Proteolysis and relationship between analytical and sensory parameters. International Dairy Journal, 13, 547-557.
- M. Virto, F. Chávarri, M.A. Bustamante, L.J.R. Barrón, M. Aramburu, M.S. Vicente, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, M. De Renobales (2003). Lamb rennet paste in ovine cheese manufacture. I. Lipolysis and flavour. International Dairy Journal, 13, 391-399.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu (2003). Sensory changes during ripening of raw ewe’s milk cheese manufactured with and without the addition of a starter culture. Journal Food Science, 68, 2572-2578.
- M. Ojeda, P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, M.D. Guillén (2002). Chemical references in sensory analysis of smoke flavorings. Food Chemistry, 78, 433-442.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, J. Salmerón, M. Albisu (2001). Sensory profile of ewes milk cheeses. Food Science Technology International, 7, 347-353.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu (2000). Selection and screening of a descriptive panel for ewe’s milk cheese sensory profiling. Journal Sensory Studies, 15, 79-99.
- F.J. Pérez Elortondo, P. Bárcenas, C. Casas, J. Salmerón, M. Albisu (1999). Review: Development of standardized sensory methodologies: some applications to Protected Designation of Origin cheeses. Sciences des Aliments, 19, 543-558.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, J. Salmerón, M. Albisu (1999). Development of a preliminary sensory lexicon and standard references of ewes milk cheeses aided by multivariate statistical procedures. Journal Sensory Studies, 14, 161-179.
- M. Ortigosa, P. Bárcenas, C. Arizcun, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, P. Torre (1999). Influence of the starter culture on the microbiological and sensory characteristics of ewe’s cheese. Food Microbiology, 16, 237-247.
- A.I. Ordóñez, F.C. Ibáñez, P. Torre, Y. Barcina, F.J. Pérez Elortondo (1998). Application of multivariate analysis to sensory characterization of ewes’ milk cheese. Journal Sensory Studies, 13, 45-55.
- P. Bárcenas, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, J. Salmerón, M. Albisu (1998). Recalled preference of Spanish consumers for smoked food. Nutrition & Food Science, 6, 338-342.
- A. Gomis-Bellmunt, A. Claret, L. Guerrero, F.J. Pérez-Elortondo (2024). Sensory evaluation of Protected Designation of origin Wines: Development of olfactive descriptive profile and references. Food Research International, 176, 113828.
- A. Gomis-Bellmunt, A. Claret, F.J. Pérez-Elortondo, L. Guerrero (2024). Color of Wine: development of reference grids/templates for sensory analysis with trained assessors. Journal of Sensory Studies, 39(5), e12947.
- A. Gomis-Bellmunt, A. Claret, A. Puig-Pujol, F.J. Pérez-Elortondo, L. Guerrero (2022). Development of a Descriptive Profile and References for the Assessment of Taste and Mouthfeel Descriptors of Protected Designation of Origin Wines. Foods, 11, 2970.
- I. Etaio, S. Meillon, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, P. Schlich (2016). Dynamic sensory description of Rioja Alavesa red wines made by different winemaking practices by using Temporal Dominance of Sensations. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 96, 3492-3499.
- I. Etaio, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, E. Gastón, M. Ojeda, P. Schlich (2009). Sensory attribute evolution in bottled young red wines from Rioja Alavesa. European Food Research Technology, 228, 695-705.
- I. Etaio; F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, E. Gastón, M. Ojeda, P. Schlich (2008). Effect of winemaking process and addition of white grapes on the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of young red wines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, 14, 211-222.
- I. Etaio, F.J. Pérez Elortondo, M. Albisu, E. Gastón, M. Ojeda, P. Schlich (2008). Development of a quantitative sensory method for the description of young red wines from Rioja Alavesa. Journal Sensory Studies, 23, 631-655.