
Beste hainbat programa

Laburpena The Volkswagen Foundation supports research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as the use of science and technology in higher education. They periodically release open calls on a variety of topics, including societal and academic challenges, international post-doctoral fellowships, and research in the digital age.

The Volkswagen Foundation funds research projects in ground-breaking areas and provides assistance to academic institutions for the improvement of the structural conditions for their work. In particular, the Foundation perceives its mission in supporting aspiring young academics and in promoting interdisciplinary and international collaboration.


The Foundation focuses its funding activities on selected initiatives. By means of these initiatives, it endeavors to provide effective stimuli for research and to establish forward-looking topics. The funding initiatives are grouped into the areas:

    Persons and Structures
    Challenges - for Academia and Society
    International Focus
    Research in the Digital Age
    Completed Initiatives

Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
Laburpena The object of the Association is to advance education for the public benefit through the promotion of teaching and research in contemporary European Studies.

The UACES primarily makes small grants to support events and collaborative networks related to the study of contemporary Europe.

It makes regular calls for proposals.


•Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs)

•Small Event Grants

•UACES Scholarships for Postgraduate Students

•Travel Support

Wenner-Gren Foundation (Anthropology)
Laburpena This private foundation is dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. It is particularly concerned with human biological and cultural origins, development, and variation.

The Wenner-Gren Foundation provides research support at the post-graduate level and beyond, and also funds conferences and workshops.

Most of its programs have 2 deadlines per year.


•Dissertation Fieldwork Grants

•Post-PhD Research Grants

•Feijos Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Film

•International Collaborative Research Grants


Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (Violence and Aggression)
Laburpena This foundation requests proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects.

The Guggenheim Foundation provides 1-2 year grants ranging from US$15.000-40.000.

Annual deadline: August 1.

Modalitatea •Research Grants
American Psychological Foundation
Laburpena This foundation fund research related to behaviors and health, reducing stigma and prejudice, understanding and preventing violence, and addressing psychological needs following disasters.

The APA Foundation primarily finances early career psychology research.

It has a wide variety of calls each year, many of which are open to non-U.S.-based investigators.


•Barlow Grant (anxiety)

•Wechsler Early Career Grant (neuropsychology, cognition)

 •Rosen Fund Grants (gifted children)

•McGuigan Prize on Understanding the Human Mind



Informazio gehiago:

Gizarte Zientziak eta Humanitate Proiektuak

FEMALE-CONQUEST: Emakumeen lan-merkatuen konkista: arlo biomedikoak eta akademikoak argitzen dituzten irakaspenak

Programa espezifikoa: 2022ko deialdia, 2021-2023 aldirako Ikerketa Zientifiko, Tekniko eta Berrikuntzako Estatuko Planaren «Europa Bikaintasuna» proiektuetarako laguntzak emateko prozedurarena, Berreskuratze, Eraldaketa eta Erresilientzia Planaren esparruan.

Kodea: EUR2022-134025

UPV/EHU: Onuraduna

UPV/EHU IP: Nagore Iriberri

Proiektuaren hasiera: 2022/12/01
Proiektuaren amaiera: 2024/11/30

Deskribapen laburra: Lan indarra ez dago modu neutralean banatuta generoari dagokionez. Bereizketa horizontala zein bertikala dago. Emakumeak azpiordezkatuta daude eremu batzuetan, hala nola STEMen, eta gehiegi ordezkatuta daude beste eremu batzuetan, biomedikuntzan adibidez. Eremu edo lanbide baten barruan, emakumeek ere ordezkaritza txikia dute goiko postuetan. Garrantzitsua da azpimarratzea azken mendean bi dimentsio horietan aurrerapausoak eman direla: emakumeak beren lan-merkatuko kuota bereganatzen ari dira.

Egungo genero-irudikapenak eragina al du jardunean dauden genero-arrakaletan? Proiektu honek ikuspegi enpiriko bat proposatzen du dokumentatzeko eta ulertzeko nola emakumeek aurrera egin duten lan-merkatuen konkistan eremu biomedikoetan eta hainbat esparru akademikotan. Ikuspegi analitikotik, jarduera-datuak maila indibidualean dituzten datu-multzoen falta muga orokorra izan da. Muga hori gainditzen duten bi datu-base berri erabiltzea proposatzen dut, banakako jarduerari buruzko datu aberatsekin. Lehenengoa, 1983tik 2019ra, medikuntzan, erizaintzan, psikologian, farmazian, biologian, kimikan eta fisikan graduatu berri guztiak barne hartzen dituzten administrazio-datuak dira. Urteko proba estandarizatu bat egiten dute, eta Espainiako Osasun Sisteman graduondoko espezializazio-postuen multzo mugatu eta oso eskatua eskuratzeko aukera emango die. Bigarren datu-basean, hainbat arlotan (STEM, natura- eta gizarte-zientziak) lan egiten duten akademiko guztiak sartuko dira, hala nola gizonak eta emakumeak, bai eta haien jardun akademikoa ere: argitalpenak eta hitzorduak, azken mendean.

Bi datu-base berri horien analisi enpirikoari esker, emakumeen lan-merkatuen konkista neurtu eta ulertu ahal izango da. Azken helburua emakumeen konkista erraztuko duten ondorio politikoak ateratzea da.

EUR2022-134025, AEI/10.13039/501100011033 eta Europar Batasunak "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR finantzatuta.