
Beste hainbat programa

NARSAD - Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
Laburpena The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation is committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research.

The focus of this foundation is to understand, prevent, and treat brain and behavioral disorders including autism, anxiety, depression, and others.


There are three funding types as follows:


Young Investigator Grants
• For investigators at the post-doctoral or assistant professor level.
• Two-year awards of US$35.000/year for pilot projects.
• Annual call for applications in January-February

Independent Investigator Grants
• For independent researchers at the associate professor level.
•  Two-year awards of US$50.000/year.
• Annual call for applications in November-December

Distinguished Investigator Grants
• For the full professor level.
• One-year awards of US$100.000
• Annual call for applications in June-July



European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)
Laburpena EMBO is an organization that promotes excellence in life science careers, with an emphasis on molecular biology.

EMBO helps young scientists to advance their research, promote their international reputations and ensure their mobility. Courses, workshops, conferences and EMBO Press publications disseminate the latest research and offer training in techniques to maintain high standards of excellence in research practice. EMBO helps to shape science policy by seeking input and feedback from our community and by following closely the trends in science in Europe.


It provides support through the following mechanisms:

Short-Term and Long-Term, and European Respiratory Society (ERS) Fellowships
• Intended for postdoctoral-level researchers
• Funding to return to a home lab (short-term), to work abroad (long-term), or to recruit more respiratory clinicians into research (ERS)
• Application deadlines: Ongoing (short-term); annually, February 12 and August 12 (long-term); and annually, January, April, and October (ERS)

Young Investigators:
• For the assistant professor level
• Funding of 15.000€ and an extensive network of opportunities for mentoring and professional development.
• Annual application deadline, April 1

Travel and Lecture Grants
• Funding to attend or organize EMBO events


U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Laburpena The U.S. National Institutes of Health fund a wide variety of biomedical projects in fields such as cancer biology, vaccine development, mental health biology, drug and alcohol addiction treatments, bioinformatics, and many more, with new opportunities announced weekly.

Non-U.S.-based research groups must either provide evidence that they can contribute a unique resource that is not available in the U.S. (e.g., a unique collection of samples) OR they may act as the sub-contractor of a U.S.-based collaborator.

Modalitatea NIH offers funding for many types of grants, contracts, and programs.


Worldwide Cancer Research
Laburpena Translational cancer research

This foundation provides financing for projects that could reduce the incidence of cancer or improve cancer survival.


Projects of 12-36 months will be funded for up to 250.000 £.


Applications are due annually in April or October.



Informazio gehiago:

Bizitzaren Zientzen Proiektuak

Oxitozina-sistemaren modulazioa espektro autistaren nahasmenduaren horma-eredu batean (TEA)


Programa espezifikoa: Garunaren eta Jokabidearen Ikerketarako Fundazioa (ikertzaile gazteentzako NARSAD dirulaguntzak)
UPV/EHU: Harrera zentroa
UPV/EHU IP: Olga Peñagarikano

Proiektuaren hasiera: 2016/01/15
Proiektuaren amaiera: 2018/01/14

Deskribapen laburra:
Tratamendu eraginkorrak behar dira TEAren defizit sozialetarako. OXT sistema zentralera jotzeak potentzial terapeutiko handia du gizarte-gabeziak hobetzeko, ez bakarrik TEArenak, baita gizarte-urritasunak dituzten gaixotasun psikiatriko batzuenak ere. Proiektu honek informazioa emango du OXTren disfuntzioak beste neurotransmisore batzuei nola eragiten dien jakiteko, gizarte-portaerari dagokionez ezagunak diren interakzio-zirkuituetan, beste xede-sistema batzuk identifikatzeko helburuarekin. Gainera, jaioosteko garapen goiztiarraren eta ingurumen-faktoreen arteko interakzioaren azterketak argia eman dezake funtzio soziala hobetzeko estrategia terapeutiko berrietan (adibidez, estimulazio sentsorial goiztiarra).