- Aurkezpena Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak
- Ikerketa Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak
- Prestakuntza Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak
- Interesgarria Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak
Site Map
- Aurkezpena
- Ikerketa
- Prestakuntza
- Masterrak
- Doktorego programak
- Doktorego tesiak
- Conversion of lignin to value added chemicals
- Industrial wood modification by heat treatments
- High added-value compounds from the integral revalorisation of winery residues
- Application des huiles essentielles dans le domaine des emballages alimentaires
- Déterpénation de l’huile essentielle d’Origanum majorana L. et évaluation des activités biologique
- Lignin as a source of phenolic compounds: from lignin extraction to its transformation by different route
- Fireproofing biosourced-phenolic resins for the protection of wood composites
- Synthesis of polyols of different lignocellulosic residues to obtain greener products
- Interesgarria