Kriminologiaren Euskal Institutuaren justizia errestauratiboaren teoria eta praktika laborategia (JEL)
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Unibertsitate barruko nahiz kanpoko pertsonen talde bat gara, eta justizia errestauratiboaren aplikazioa lantzen dugu hainbat arlotan; hartara, jarduerari buruzko analisi bat eskaini, eta haren garapena bultzatu ahal izango dugu, gizartetan ahaztuta edo baztertuta dauden kolektiboen artean, batik bat. Gure helburua arazo konplexuei erantzuteko ulermena ematea da. Halaber, material pedagogikoaren sorrerarekin gaude konprometituta, eta kultura errestauratiboa gizartean zabaltzeko teknologia egokiena eta berritzaileena erabiltzen dugu.
Laborategia esku hartze praktiko gisa ulertzen dugu, esku hartze bat gogoeta sakonagoak lantzeko bidea ematen diguna, antzeko errealitateetara aplikatu ahal izango direnak, ez konponbide bakar edo errezeta unibertsal gisa, baizik eta gizartearekin partekatu daitekeen ikaskuntza eskuratzeko lan kasuistiko gisa.
- Sarrerako bideoa
- Justizia Errestauratiboa: idei gakoak (pdf, 324 KB)
Zergatik edo zertarako?
Proiektua 2016an sortu zen, gure ustez bete gabe zegoen arlo bati erantzuteko, alegia: ikaskuntza teorikoaren eta ikerketa enpirikoen emaitzen aplikazioa justizia errestauratiboaren egunerokotasunean, justizia mota horren gaineko kontzeptu kritiko baten barruan.
“Laborategi” terminoak praktika eta ekintza ikuspegia adierazi nahi du, eta aldi berean kasu jakin batetik ateratako ikaskuntzari buruz gogoeta egiteko aukera ematen digu. Asmoa, ez da ikerkuntza esperimentalak garatzea, baizik eta “laborategi” terminoaren lehengo esanahiari jarraituz, apaltasunez baina zorroztasunez, ikerkuntza parte-hartze aktiboa edukiko dituzten zientzi lanak, zentzu zabalean esanda, garatu ahal izateko gune aproposak lortzea.
Praktikan, aztertu nahi dugu zein neurritan barne hartzen duen justizia errestauratiboaren teoriak aniztasun juridikoaren konplexutasuna (lege sistemaz harago, arau sistema desberdinek elkarrekiko duten erlazioa), edo esentzialista, patologikoa edo paternalista ez den biktimizazioaren eta/edo kalteberatasunaren ikuspegitik agentziak eta egiturak duten interakzioa, autonomia erlazionalaren eta komunitate emantzipatzailearen kontzeptuekin lotuta.
Nork eska dezake laborategiaren lankidetza?
Edozein pertsonak, pertsona taldek edo erakundek, publikoa nahiz pribatua izan. Lana, zuzen nahiz zeharkako biktimizazioren bat jasan duten pertsonekin edota talde handiagoekin egin ahal da, elkarrizketatutako konpondu eta leheneratzeko modu bila. Ez du inporta igarotako denbora, ezta lortutako emaitza judiziala ere.
Zer arlo lantzen ditugu?
Edozein pertsonak, pertsona taldek edo erakundek, publikoa nahiz pribatua izan.
Non eta nola egiten dugu lan?
IVAC/KREIren laguntzari esker eta hark gizartearekin eta, bereziki, arazo ikusezinekin duen konpromisoari esker, gure esku hartzea doanekoa da, unibertsitateko azpiegitura erabiltzeko aukera baitugu. Gipuzkoako Campusean gaude, baina azpiegiturak ditugu ere Leioako eta Arabako campusetan. Gainera, EAEtik kanpo jardun dezakegu, beste erakunde batzuekin lankidetzan.
Kasu jakin batean esku hartzeko eskaera jasotzen dugunean, elkarrizketa bat finkatzen dugu pertsona edo erakunde interesdunekin, laborategiak zer eskain dezakeen zehazteko. Gure jardueraren helburua da elkarrizketaren bidezko konponbide bat edo ongizate gogoetatsu bat bilatzen duten pertsonei laguntzea, traumatikoa izan den edo kezka eragin dien gertaera baten aurrean. Ez gara terapeutak, elkar ulermenera edo aldebiko nahiz taldeko komunikaziora iristeko bideratzaileak baizik, gure xedea erreparazio osoa izanik betiere. Kasu zehatz bat lantzen ari garenean, horren analisi bat egiten dugu aldi berean, eta ondorioak ateratzen ditugu, lagungarriak izan daitezkeenak antzeko kasuetan edo justizia errestauratiboaren printzipioen garapenean edo difusioan, giza eskubideen gaineko kontzepzio interdependente baten ildoan.
English version
What is the Restorative Justice Theory & Practice Lab?
We are a group of people, inside and outside the University, working in the study of the implementation of restorative justice in different fields. We aim at offering an analysis about its practice and promote its development, particularly among the most socially forgotten or discriminated groups. Our objective is to facilitate ways of multi-understanding to respond to complex social problems. In addition, we want to contribute with pedagogical material, using innovative technology adapted to human needs and discussing restorative culture in society.
The laboratory is understood as a practice intervention, from and towards the construction of deeper analysis to be applied to similar cases or realities, as support, but never as unique solution or universal recipe. It means a casuistic work from which to extract some learning to be socially discussed and shared.
What for?
This project was born in 2016 in order to work in a field that was not covered by other projects or actions. This field can be described as translational restorative justice, that is, the contribution of theoretical thought and the results of empirical research to the everyday practice of restorative justice, within a critical perspective.
By using the term ‘laboratory’ we want to indicate a practical and action approach and, at the same time, it means going from the analysis of one individual case to broader implications. It is not experimental research, but a search for spaces of encounter of practice and social research with a horizon of participatory action research.
Starting from a real case, we want to explore to what extent restorative justice theory can reflect about the complexity of legal pluralism or the interaction between agency and structure with a non essentialist, non pathological and non paternalist understanding of victimization and vulnerability in connection to the concept of relational autonomy and emancipatory communities.
Who can have access to the laboratory?
Any individual, group of people, private or public entity. It is not important how much time has passed since the case occurred. In order to participate, the result of the judicial process is not relevant either. The intervention can be done with only the person/s who suffered victimization, or with more people affected, looking for dialogued restorative responses.
In what fields do we work?
Personal conflicts, intergroup conflicts, organizational or inter-professional conflicts, cultural or social conflicts, etcetera.
How and where do we work?
With the support of the Basque Institute of Criminology (University of the Basque Country), our intervention is free of any charge. We can work in any of the three campuses (Donostia/San Sebastián, Bilbao and Vitoria/Gasteiz). We can also cooperate with other entities outside the Basque Country.
After receiving a communication of interest in our intervention, we will have an interview with those interested in order to clarify what the laboratory can offer. We are not therapists, but researchers and facilitators. We try to facilitate self and mutual understanding and bilateral or multilateral communication aimed at an integrated restoration beyond law and material reparation. Because we work with a concrete case, we can draw some conclusions as basis for debate of other similar cases. Also we try to debate the principles and theory of restorative justice with an interdependent view of human rights and taking into account the international standards. The principles of free will, confidentiality and impartiality, as well as ethics in research, are fundamental in this intervention.
We also develop restorative circles about broader social or inter-professional problems so that a better way of multi-understanding, trust, coordination and collaboration can be constructed.
Who is in the team of the laboratory?
We come from different disciplines (Criminology, Law, Social work, etcetera), expertise and fields of work (academy and practice). In alphabetical order and with an open invitation, some of the members of the team are:
- José Luis Aparicio
- José Luis de la Cuesta
- Javier Gómez Zapiain
- Idoia Igartua
- María Ochandorena
- Izaskun Orbegozo
- Alberto Olalde
- Leyre Padilla
- Mar Puga
- Letícia Trombini
- Devi Yerga
- Gema Varona (Koordinatzailea)