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Gureiker has worked together since 2013 in the analysis of online media and online communication. In this first stage, the Group -led by the professor of the UPV/EHU Department of Journalism Koldobika Meso Ayerdi (GIU13/13)- focused on the analysis of business convergence processes, the development of 2.0 communication in networks and the advancement of dialogic and multimedia narrative formats.

Between 2016 and 2021, Gureiker (IT1112-16) develops a new stage under the direction of researchers from the Department of Journalism Ainara Larrondo Ureta (MR) and Simón Peña Fernández (co-MR). In this phase, the Group focuses on an in-depth analysis of some of the main communicative realities that have been impacting professional practice and social research in the last decade, such as the development of communication companies and newsrooms in the hybrid media system, the adaptation of professional profiles, technological innovation, progress in journalistic formats, messages and narratives or the participation of hyperconnected audiences.

These issues related to the web, the digital field and new technologies have been decisive for the knowledge and application of Communication Science, forcing a reflection on assumptions and fundamental principles of the communication profession and scientific research in this field. This research required  methodological and epistemological adaptations, based on analyzes focused on the use of massive data (big data) and algorithmic analytical procedures applied to communication mediated in social networks by Gureiker.