
XSL Content

Registration Price

Approximate fees: 3.300 €

Access profile

Access degrees

University degree is required. Preference will be given to studies of:a) Degree in Business Administration and Managementb) Diploma in Business Studies.c) Other studies whose contents may be related to the Master's program.Exceptionally, professionals with no university degree who have a remarkable experience in the field of business management may be admitted in theSpecialist Title.

Selection criteria

  • Adecuación de la titulación: 30 %
  • Curriculum Vitae: 25 %
  • Entrevista: 10 %
  • Expediente académico: 20 %
  • Otros: 15 %

Izen-ematea eta matrikula-Digital Management & ERP: Enpresaren Kudeaketa 4.0_uik proba pilotua

XSL Content

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