Own Masters and Degrees
- Abdominal Wall Surgery
- Access to the Legal Profession and Representation (new study plan 2023/2024)
- Actuarial and Financial Sciences
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advanced Design of Public Housing
- Advanced Electronic Systems
- Advanced Materials Engineering
- Advanced Technologies in Industry
- Aeronautic Technologies
- Análisis Estructural y Eficiencia Energética en Fachadas Ligeras
- Antropología Social
- Apnea-hypopnea Syndrome for Doctors and Odontologists
- Applied Artificial Intelligence and Its Mathematical Foundations
- Architecture
- Architecture for Social Anthropology Students
- Archivo Cinematográfico y Audiovisual
- Artificial Intelligence applied to Industry and Computer-Aided Engineering
- Audit and Social Labor Consulting
- Auditing and Advanced Accounting
- Banking and Quantitative Finance
- Basis of Predictable Implantolagy
- Basque and Digitality
- Basque Diaspora
- Basque Linguistics and Philology
- Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Management
- Bioethics and Biolaw
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Research
- Buen Trato y Protección a la Infancia y a la Adolescencia en el Ámbito Escolar y Socioeducativo
- Business Consulting
- Business Management
- Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalization Perspective (new study plan 2023/2024)
- Business Management from an Innovation and Internationalization Perspective (not be offered from the academic year 2023/2024)
- Ceramics: Art and Function
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry and Polymers
- Ciberseguridad en Industria 4.0
- Ciberseguridad en Internet
- Circular Economy: Business Aplication
- Clinical Trial Monitoring and Registration of Medicines and Medical Devices in the BioPharma&Healthcare Industry
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Language
- Collaborative and Anticipatory Governance
- Comisariado Cinematográfico y Audiovisual
- Comparative Literature and Literary Studies
- Comprehensive Care of Persons with Complex, Chronic and Difficult-to-Heal Wounds
- Computational Engineering and Intelligent Systems
- Conservation and Exhibition of Contemporary Art (CYXAC)
- Construction Engineering
- Contemporary History (new study plan 2023/2024)
- Contemporary Technological and Performance Art
- Control Engineering, Automation and Robotics
- Control in Smartgrids and Distributed Generation - INTERNATIONAL
- Corporate Law
- Creación Cinematográfica y Audiovisual
- Cybersecurity 4.0
- Deporte, Educación y Convivencia: Protección de la Infancia y la Adolescencia
- Development and International Cooperation
- Digital Industry: Machine Tool and Advance Manufacturing
- Digital Management and ERP: Management of the Company 4.0
- Digital Manufacturing - DUAL
- Diseño, Construcción y Seguridad de Fachadas Ligeras
- Early Childhood Intervention
- Economic Research Techniques and Dissemination of Results
- Economics: Empirical Applications and Policies - INTERNATIONAL
- Economics: Tools of Economic Analysis
- Embedded Systems Engineering - DUAL
- Emprendimiento: Financiación, Producción y Comercialización
- Emprendimiento y Dirección de Empresas
- Engineering, Calculation, and Numerical Simulation by Finite Elements
- Entrepreneurship and Business Management (MBAe3)
- Environment, Sustainability and SDG
- Environmental Agrobiology
- Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Environmental Engineering and Management
- Environmental Law
- Equal Rights for Women and Men: Equality Agents
- Erasmus Mundus European Master for Industry in Microwave Electronics and Photonics (EMIMEP)
- Erasmus Mundus in Architectural and Urban Contemporary Heritage - ARURCOHE
- Erasmus Mundus International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea)
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Interdisciplinarity in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (i-MESC)
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT)
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Renewable Energy in the Marine Environment (REM PLUS)
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Smart Cities and Communities (SMACCs)
- Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology -ECT+
- Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Environment and Resources -MER- (new study plan 2023/2024)
- Estrategias para la Intervención con Infancia y Adolescencia Vulnerable en Situaciones Conflictivas, en Acogimiento Residencial, Justicia Juvenil y Ámbito Escolar
- European Master in Multilingualism and Education (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Euskararen Jabekuntza Helduaroan
- Exercise and Healthy Lifestyle
- Fabrication, Design and Assembling of Timber Structures
- Feminist and Gender Studies
- Finance and Financial Management
- Financial Markets and Private Banking
- Food Quality and Safety
- Forensic Analysis
- Formación Pedagógica y Didáctica del Profesorado Técnico de Formación Profesional
- Foundations and Assessment in Early Childhood Intervention
- French Language Studies
- From Coeducation to Feminist Pedagogies: Building a Basque Curricular Framework
- Fundamental Human Rights and Public Authorities
- Gender, Masculinities and Social Intervention
- Gender, Masculinities and Social Intervention
- Gender Based Violence: A Social Media Intervention
- Gender Based Violence: A Social Media Intervention
- General Health Psychology
- Gestión de Empresas Industriales
- Gestión Patrimonial y Banca Privada
- Globalisation and Development
- Governance and Political Studies
- Health and Safety at Work
- Health Promotion and Community Health
- Healthy Aging and Quality of Life
- Human Resource and Employment Management
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Organization Engineering
- Innovative Enology
- Integración Estratégica, Seguimiento y Comunicación de la Agenda 2030 y ODS
- Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the Electricity Grid
- Internacional Cooperation and Emancipatory Education
- International Master in Sociology of Law
- International Studies
- Intervención con Jóvenes Vulnerables en Riesgo y Conflicto Social. El Modelo de Vinculación Emocional Validante
- Intervención Socioeducativa con Adolescentes y Jóvenes en Riesgo y Conflicto Social
- La Gestión de las Lenguas en la Era Global: claves de la Innovación en la Revitalización del Euskera
- La Gestión y la Prácticas Lingüísticas del Euskera en las Instituciones Públicas
- La Gestión y las Prácticas Lingüisticas en el Ámbito Socioeconómico
- Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings (LAMS)
- Language Analysis and Processing - INTERNATIONAL
- Las Prácticas Lingüísticas del Euskera en Ámbiots No-Formales
- Leadership and Change Management for Sustainability. ALDATUZ, Social Value Creation Lab
- Light Facades
- Management and Innovation in Social Services
- Management of Educational Institutions and Digital Leadership
- Management of Sports Entities
- Management of Sports Entities in Innovation, New Technologies and Sports Events
- Management of Sports Entities in Management
- Marine Studies
- Marketing
- Mathematical Modelling, in Mathematical Research and in Statistical and Computing Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mercados Financieros y Gestión de Activos
- Microbiology and Health
- Microelectronics
- Models and Areas of Social Science Research
- Molecular Biology and Biomedicine
- Multimedia Communication UPV/EHU - EITB
- Multimedia Journalism UPV/EHU - El Correo
- Nanoscience (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Nautical Studies and Maritime Transport
- Neuroscience
- New Materials
- Nutrition and Health (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Oral Implants Technique and Microsurgery
- Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Implantology
- Organisational Psychology and Psychosocial Intervention
- Orofacial Tissue Regeneration and Oral Implantology
- Osseointegration and Oral Rehabilitation
- Painting
- Participation and Community Development
- Periodontics
- Pharmacology. Development, Evaluation and Rational Use of Medicines
- Pharmacontamination
- Pharmacy Practice
- Philosophy: Science, Society, Technology
- Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
- Politics and Management of Public Housing
- Prácticas Artísticas y Estudios Culturales: Cuerpo, Afectos,Territorio
- Practice and Theory in Contemporary Arts and Culture
- Project Management - INTERNATIONAL
- Promoción de la Salud y Salud Comunitaria
- Protection of Children and Adolescents
- Psychodidactics: Psychology of Education and Specific Didactics
- Psychology: Individual, Group, Organization and Culture
- Public Health
- Public Housing
- Quantum Science and Technology
- Refurbishment, Restoration and Management of Historical Buildings (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Rehabilitative and Supportive Services in Early Childhood Intervention
- Renewable Materials Engineering (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Research and Creativity in Art
- Research in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Construction and Town Planning (this course will not be offered in the academic year 2024/25)
- Research in the Socio-Educational Field
- Scientific Illustration
- Sistemas para la Gestión Empresarial - ERP
- Sleep Disorders for Medical and Dentista
- Social Anthropology
- Social Communication
- Social Economy and Solidarity Economy
- Sovereignty in the Peoples of Europe
- Space Science and Technology
- Specific Master's Degree in Business Direction and Administration (Executive MBA)
- Sport Manegement
- Strategies of Corporate Internationalization
- Suicide Prevention in Socio-Community Environments
- Supervision in Contexts of Social Action
- Sustainable Energy Engineering (new study plan 2025/2026)
- Sustainable Energy Engineering (not be offered from the academic year 2025/2026)
- Synthetic and Industrial Chemistry
- Taxation and Tax Advice
- Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching (Classroom teaching)
- Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Foreign Language Teaching (online)
- Technology, Learning and Education
- Tecnologías de Hidrógeno
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics
- Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
- Timber Structures, Construction and Design
- Timber Structures Calculation and Advanced Design
- Translation and Interpreting from/into Spanish Sign Language (TILSE) and its Appllicabilities
- Working with Victims of Traumatic Experiences (On Line)