Uxue Iturriondobeitia

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Uxue Iturriondobeitia García is graduated in Industrial Process Ecotechnologies Engineering at Mondragon University (2019) and in Environmental Sciences at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (2023). As part of the engineering degree, she spent 6 months at the Warsaw University of Technology Poland and another 6 months at the company K1 Ekopaisaia, working on the development of optimized phytodepuration processes. During the UPV/EHU studies the student spent 6 months at the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and in the last year worked in the environmental consultancy Teknimap Energía y Medio Ambiente and developed internships in the research group `Materials + Technologies´ (GMT).
Nowadays, she’s line of research on GMT is oriented towards the chemical and physical recycling of post-industrial polymeric waste, mainly polyamide. The researcher has also collaborated in the development of an industrial symbiosis project developed in the University-Business Classroom of Circular Economy of the Faculty of Engineering, Gipuzkoa. She carried out depolymerizations of polyamides by means of hydrolysis for the Final Degree Project. He has also completed a Master's degree in Renewable Materials Engineering (UPV/EHU), extending his research with the physical recycling of polyamide.