First publication date: 21/02/2025
We are proud to share that our GMT group leader, Prof. A. Eceiza, has been recognized among the top 500 female researchers in the CSIC ranking. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!
‘Final Degree Projects - Master's Theses - Doctoral Theses’. AWARD
First publication date: 09/12/2024
Last Friday, 29th November 2024, our colleague Stefano Torresi received the MANUEL LABORDE WERLINDEN Award for the work Nanoclik, the result of the research developed in his Doctoral Thesis. Zorionak Stefano!!!
First publication date: 08/11/2024
In collaboration with the Circular Economy University-Company Classroom of the Faculty of Engineering Gipuzkoa, UPV/EHU, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa) from Thursday 7 to Saturday 9 (November) we will be in the txoko Where does the sea begin?
Under this slogan, primary microplastics and the origin of secondary microplastics derived from the degradation that plastic undergoes in marine conditions will be shown. In this line, the GMT collaborates with the LTC AquEus Transboundary Cooperation Laboratory to advance in the analysis of the effect of these pollutants. It also includes work by the GMT on the mechanical and chemical recycling of marine, urban and industrial waste.
For the development of sustainable production processes, aspects such as the waste hierarchy and the efficient use of resources promoted by the circular economy must be considered. For this reason, the GMT has been working for more than 2 decades on the valorisation of compounds derived from waste of renewable origin. These include compounds derived from wood processing, such as tannin and lignin, both of which have a wide range of applications from incorporation in the synthesis of phenolic resins to the formulation of cosmetics. We have also been passionate about the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of latxa sheep wool for many years. Therefore on the stand you will find some examples, such as wool composites processed as biodegradable 3D printing filament and sections of surfboards with wool reinforcement.
We would like to thank Tytti Thursberg, Mater Museoa, Yurre Peñagarikano (URKOME), LTC AquEUS (Euskampus Fundazioa) and all the people of the GMT who have participated in the research.
First publication date: 24/07/2024
The researchers of our group, Arantxa Eceiza, Laura Vignau and Tamara Garazi Berra, have taken part in the international conference BIOPOL, which took place in Coimbra (Portugal) from July 22th to 24th. They presented the works “Design and Synthesis of a thermo-reversible crosslinker for fully bio-based dynamic thermosetting polyurethanes”, “Poly (3- hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) / chitosan bilayer membrane as magnetically responsive bioactive wound dressing” and “Dynamic Chitosan based shell for Alginate microparticles obtained by microfluidics” respectively.
First publication date: 18/07/2024
Last Friday, 12th of July, our colleague Stefano Torresi defended his PhD entitled “Easy functionalizable biobased polyurethane: How to create versatile platforms using click chemistry” supervised by Arantxa Eceiza and Nagore Gabilondo. Zorionak Stefano!
First publication date: 11/07/2024
The researchers of our group, Arantxa Eceiza, Izaskun Larraza and Tamara Calvo, have taken part in the international conference Polymers for sustainable future 2024: 85th Prague meeting on macromolecules (PMM) and 11th conference Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymeric Materials (GCNPM), which took place in Prague (Czech Republic) from June 24th to 28th. They presented the works “Bio-based recyclable thermosetting polyurethanes by Diels-Alder chemistry”, “Partially and fully bio-based vitrimers: Characterization and recyclability analysis” and “Valorization of TPU waste as filtering membranes for water pollutants”, respectively.
First publication date: 10/07/2024
On July 3, 2024 the agreement Circular Economy in Engineering was signed with the Department of Sustainability of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. This agreement includes two lines of work in which GMT will participate. Firstly, we will continue with the study of textile waste, analyzing physicochemical processes of textile waste recycling. In addition, we will evaluate the possibility of incorporating different renewable and recycled materials in the manufacture of the motorcycle that is being developed at the Engineering Faculty Gipuzkoa within the framework of the MotoStudent project.
First publication date: 04/07/2024
Dr. Gordobil has participated as an invited speaker in the WWSC Summer workshop 2024 held in Kolmarden (Sweden) and organized by the Wallenberg Wood Science Center. She has presented her research “Impact of emulsification parameters and ingredients on the characteristics of O/W Pickering emulsions stabilized by colloidal lignin particles”.
First publication date: 25/06/2024
Our Group researcher Ana Cristina Restrepo presented the work entitled Reciclabilidad de poliuretanos reticulados biobasados mediante enlaces dinamicos in the XI doctoral conference that took place in Murcia (Spain) from June 10th to 12th.
First publication date: 19/06/2024
On June 19, 2024, Asier Elejoste Gonzalez, a doctoral student of our group, defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "Banbuaren ezaugarritzea inpregnazio-teknika bidezko modifikazioa eta egitura iraunkorren ingeniaritza" (Characterization of bamboo, modification by impregnation techniques and engineering of sustainable structures). The thesis was supervised by Dr. Cristina Peña and Dr. Amaia Butrón.
First publication date: 05/06/2024
In Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on May 19-23, 2024, the "39th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (39 PPS)" took place, organized by the Polymer Processing Society, Universidad de los Andes, and the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación del Plástico y del Caucho (ICIPC). Our pre-doctoral researcher, Ana Cristina Restrepo Montoya, participated as a speaker, presenting her research work titled "Targeting Recyclability in Crosslinked Biobased Polyurethanes through Thermoreversible Bonds"
First publication date: 18/05/2024
Cristina Peña, researcher-teacher of our group presented the research Analysis of the degradation of plastic marine litter at the EMCEI congress (6th Euro-Mediterranean conference for environmental integration) held in Marrakesh (Morocco) from May 15 to 18 and organized by Springer and the Université Cadi Ayyad and the University of Stax.
First publication date: 19/03/2024
Aitor Arbelaiz, Cristina Peña and Ander Larruskain, researchers our group, collaborate with Elhuyar in the project called "Gluoien mahaia". This project, promoted by Elhuyar, has the collaboration of the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Under the name "Research for sustainability to inspire young people", the aim is to bring young people closer to the world of research. To this end, with the help of research groups, the young people themselves carry out real research.
The research team of the GMT group has been researching renewable materials for more than 20 years, and one of them is latxa sheep's wool. This type of wool is hardly used nowadays in any sector, and around 2,000 tonnes are generated each year. They have explained this concern to a group of secondary school students from the IES Txindoki in Beasain and have jointly developed composites with latxa sheep's wool as reinforcement that could be used in construction. In a first session they presented the project at the school itself: they explained to the students the aim of the project and the first experimental part. Subsequently, the students were in our laboratories to develop the mechanical characterization of the specimens obtained and evaluate the results. In a final session, the students will discuss the results with the researchers.
First publication date: 15/01/2024
On December 19th, GMT PhD student Julen Diaz Ramirez presented his doctoral thesis entitled “Valorization of white grape pomace: integrated strategies for advanced applications” supervised by Dr Nagore Gabilondo and Dr Aloña Retegui.
First publication date: 10/10/2023
Two researchers from our Group, Laura Vignau and Garazi Berra, had participated in the JIP 2023, XI Congress of Young Researchers in Polymers organized by the specialized group of polymers of the RSEQ and RSEF that was held in Alicante (Spain) from October 2 to 5. They presented the works "Active electrospun poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3- hydroxyvalerate) membranes incorporating antioxidant oil from spent coffee grounds" and "Dynamic redox responsive starch hydrogels" respectively.
First publication date: 04/10/2023
Researchers of our group participate in the STEAM-Active project funded by the European Union (2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000032107).
The objective of the STEAM-Active project is to generate multidisciplinary teaching and learning sequences for university engineering courses. These sequences will have as transversal axes the circular economy and the gender perspective. In addition, e-learning courses will be generated for the training of teachers interested in the implementation of the designed materials.
First publication date: 03/10/2023
Three researchers from our Group, Galder Kortaberria, Agnieszka Tercjak and Junkal Gutierrez, have participated in the POLY-K 2023 conference, “Advances in polymer composites and nanocomposites”, a scientific congress to celebrate the career of Prof. José Kenny. The congress was held in Terni (Italy) from September 13 to 15.
First publication date: 11/09/2023
Our Group researcher Agnieszka Tercjak presented a work entitled Self-healable epoxidised soybean oil based thermosetting systems modified with photo-switchable nematic liquid crystal in the conference “Nanostructured Polymers: from precision synthesis to physical properties” presenting the work entitled “”, NANOPOL 2023, in Orléans (France) from September 4th to 8th.
First publication date: 08/09/2023
Our pre-doctoral researcher Ana Cristina Restrepo Montoya participated in the 14th International Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering, a conference organized by the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA), which took place on September, from 5th to the 8th, in Potsdam, Germany. The presented research work "Synthesis of reprocessable biobased thermoset polyurethanes based on Diels-Alder adduct" is developed under the direction of Dr. Ainara Saralegi and Dr. Arantxa Eceiza; and the work "Functionalized electrospun polyurethane membranes as Ag nanoparticles adsorbents" was developed under the direction of Dr. Nagore Gabilondo and Dr. Arantxa Eceiza.
First publication date: 24/07/2023
On July, 21th, GMT PhD student Eider Mendiburu Valor presented her doctoral thesis entlited “Valorization of Marine PET litter. From conventional methods to chemical recycling for the synthesis of novel polyurethanes”, supervised by Dr. Cristina Peña and Dr. Arantxa Eceiza.