Tamara Calvo

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She completed Industrial Technical Engineering, specialized in Industrial Chemistry studies at the Polytechnic College of Donostia-San Sebastián. She took her master's degree in Renewable Materials Engineering at the same University College. In 2013 she started her PhD studies under the supervision of Drs. Arantxa Eceiza and Mª Ángeles Corcuera, thanks to the "Ayuda para Formación de Personal Investigador en la Universidad del País Vasco" (PIF/UPV/12/200) grant. In May of 2017 she got her PhD from the UPV/EHU with the mention of International Doctor with the thesis entitled "Biobased polyurethanes and nanocomposites. From structure/properties relationship to shape-memory behavior". During her PhD studies she made two international internships. In 2013 she took part on the European mobility program "Bio-based polyurethane composites with natural fillers (BIOPURFIL)" belonging to Marie Curie Action "International Research Staff Exchange Scheme" (FP7-PEOPLE) at the University of Mar del Plata (Argentina) for four months under the supervision of Professor Mirta I. Aranguren. In 2016 she spent three months at the Adolphe Merkle Institute (Fribourg, Switzerland), under the supervision of Professor Christoph Weder.
Her research deals with the increase of the renewability of different porous and solid (thermoplastic and crosslinked) polyurethanes and bionanocomposites, by the incorporation of different reactants and nanoentities from renewable sources. Moreover, she also studies thermally and magnetically activated shape memory properties of biobased polyurethanes and bionanocomposites.