Gorka Imbuluzqueta

Gorka Imbuluzqueta García finished his bachelor's degree in Chemical Science at the Faculty of Chemistry of Gipuzkoa (2000) (UPV/EHU), specializing in Macromolecules and Polymers. In 2002, he joined the INASMET Technology Centre working on improving thermoplastic processing methods, resin synthesis and polymer characterization. He currently works at TECNALIA where he has actively participated in various industrial projects. He has extensive knowledge about both thermoplastic and thermostable materials and their processing, focusing on the fabrication and characterization of (nano)composite materials. He has participated in a significant number of R&D&I projects for the photovoltaic sector (manufacturing of solar modules, developing new module manufacturing concepts, cell interconnection and implementation of new materials, as well as their characterization). He is the author of several scientific papers published in journals with a high impact index, and is co-author of one patent.
He is doing his PhD in collaboration with TECNALIA Research and Technological Development Centre, under the supervision of Dr Isabel Harismendy Ramirez de Arellano (TECNALIA) and Dr Agnieszka Tercjak (GMT). The investigation is focused on the development of new composite materials with improved recyclability for applications in the field of photovoltaics.