Galder Kortaberria
(Full Professor)

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Bachelor degree in Chemistry at the Basque Country University in 1998 at Macromolecules speciality. PhD degree in Chemistry at the Basque Country University in 2004 under the supervision of Dr Iñaki Mondragon.
His research is based on the synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites based both on synthetic polymers (thermosetting matrices, block copolymers) and biopolymers. Generation and characterization of nanostructures based on self-assembled block copolymers and nanofillers (metallic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes).
He has published more than 100 papers in indexed journals (h=25), 12 book chapters and has edited two complete books on nanocomposites. He has presented more than 50 oral contributions to international conferences. He has taken part in many research projects founded by Spanish Ministry, Basque Government, EU or private companies, both as main researcher and collaborator. He obtained the acreditation for Full Professor in 2018.